是否在sick前加comma 會更恰當?

2012-07-01 2:04 am
Mary is at home sick, so I was not able to talk to her.

是否在sick前加comma 會更恰當?
即這樣:Mary is at home, sick, so I was not able to talk to her.

回答 (4)

2012-07-01 7:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
It'd better rewrite the sentence as:

Mary is sick at home, so I was not able to talk to her.
2012-07-04 7:22 pm
using a comma before sick is wrong.
sick is an adverb complement, telling you why Mary is at home.
The original sentence is a good one.
Ahshing actually changed the meaning and the main point of the original sentence. The main point is home (at home) sick is an additional information.
2012-07-02 2:28 am
Both 001 and 002's answers are ok..
I also suggest you should re-write to this:
Mary is sick at home, so I am not able to talk with her. or
Mary was sick at home, so I was not able to talk with her.

The sentence's tense is depends on the time of the passage.
參考: 我..希望幫到你=]
2012-07-01 7:29 am
Another way to write:-Mary was unable to talk to me because she was sick at home.
Or use sequence of tense with live in the present time,not in the past:-Mary is sick at home,so I am not able to talk to her.
In writing without comma would be home sick=sad,think of Hong Kong when at England,usa,or foreign country.

2012-06-30 23:33:37 補充:
We live in the present,not in the past means I am not able;not I was not able.
參考: google website

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