Teens, anything that made you happy/smile today?

2012-06-30 1:09 am
Or week?

Yesterday i was at the mall with my mom and this girl came up to me and said i was really pretty. I was sad before then, and the girl really made my day. And i had this big smile on my face after.

You guys?

BQ: Favorite clothing store?
BQ2: Do you get along with your parents?
BQ3: Closest thing to you that is red?

回答 (13)

2012-06-30 1:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
My daughter likes Devo. This is the highlight of my week. She even asked me to buy her an Energy Dome. (You know red hats they wear?) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xbt30UnzRWw I was so happy that she liked a good/influential band :3

Thrusday, I was walking to an office at school. Right when I was turning a corner, this guy riding his skateboard saw me, stopped, fell off his skateboard, tumbled a little. Turned around at me while stumbling to get up off the floor and said "You have such beautiful eyes." Me, not knowing how to receive compliments that well, said "thank you" shyly and kept walking. It was cute though.

BQ: thrift stores. Particularly one called "Buffalo Exchange"
BQ2: my dad more than my mom. My mom and I are trying to repair things.
BQ3: a tomato in my chicken soup.
2012-06-30 4:04 am
Aww that so sweet! :)

Well today I was flockdrawing with Melody and it was really fun. We made Y!A ville and crappyville lol
Oh also I just started CRACKING UP when I saw that troll question about KFC lol

BQ: Favorite clothing store?
-DOn't have one D:
BQ2: Do you get along with your parents?
BQ3: Closest thing to you that is red?
-Its a tie between a red pen and my cup of iced vanilla coffee yum :)
2012-06-30 2:32 am
Yesterday was my last day of school, so I made amends with some people and said goodbye to all my friends and friendly acquaintances, most of whom will be going to the same High school as me.

BQ: The Bay.

BQ2: Most of the time.

BQ3: A red marker.
2012-06-30 2:11 am
I found out my friend's coming home five months earlier than she thought she was going to. She's been in Pakistan for 3 years, and I'm so excited to see her when she gets home.

BQ: Anthropologie, but I can't really afford anything there.
BQ2: Yes, but they're very strict.
BQ3: A Pink Floyd poster on my wall, and a red Disneyland mug...they're about equal distance from me.
2012-06-30 2:02 am
My friend said i could call her tomorrow if things get too bad. It's not a major thing, but the fact that she's the only one supporting me and listening to me means a lot. The rest of my friends aren't there, so.....

BQ: Forever 21.
BQ2: Nope.
BQ3: A bench.
2012-06-30 1:41 am
I discovered that I have lost 8 pounds in 3 days by eating only fruits and vegetables, drinking 72+ oz. of water a day, swimming, and taking Xenadrine.

BQ1: I don't shop at "real" stores. I get all my clothes secondhand.
BQ2: No.
BQ3: A sock on the floor.
2012-06-30 1:31 am
Hmmmmm nun really just the same thing everyday. Uhhh im happy that my dads excited for me to visit him.
BQ: Zumiez
BQ2: Its improved so far. When I moved to my moms hometown when my mom and dad split. I was horrible, we would fight almost everyday. But 2 years later (i think) were good now. Me n my dad are "ok" don't really talk much but I'm visiting him this summer.

BQ3: My COnVERse shoes!! !!!!Yeaaaa!!!!
2012-06-30 1:30 am
That I went shopping for my birthday at the mall.

BQ: Ann Taylor
BQ: Hell no
BQ: blanket
2012-06-30 1:26 am
my mom brought me home froyo with gummy bears on top!

BQ: urban outfitters...too bad its too expensive though
BQ2: yes
BQ3: the pillow im leaning on
2012-06-30 1:26 am
Fanfiction. I lead a sad life.

BQ: Uhhh. I don't really shop that often, so I don't really care. Forever 21 I suppose.
BQ2: One of them for half of the time.
BQ3: The labeling on a stack of CDs.
2012-06-30 1:16 am
Well, me and my friend beat 7 girls at ultimate frisbee. That was fun.
I like Khols
Well, I have a question that sorta relates to this, you should answer http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=Al3IgcFXvpPS12VkeKBb7Mzsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20120629163022AAKF3jx
My shorts are red
2012-06-30 1:20 am
My girlfriend :) makes me smile every day <3
BQ1: im a guy i dont know...
BQ2: kinda depends what mood we are all in
BQ3: my blood?
2016-10-04 1:22 pm
extreme-high quality interest, lol. And no, no longer something interesting befell right this moment. I forgot to snatch the replace ($13.00) on the self checkout venture on the food market so my mom have been given notably pissed, yet it somewhat is approximately it. xD BQ: Nope. i do no longer relatively prefer to bypass to the videos till I might desire to, because of the fact of what befell with the shootings in Colorado. i do no longer might desire to till The Perks of Being a Wallflower comes out in September, so because it somewhat is while i'm going to bypass see my next action picture.

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