bawl, howl and shout的分別

2012-06-29 11:43 am
bawl, howl and shout的分別, 與怎樣運用..

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2012-07-01 5:39 am
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Bawl(V.):To shout or cry loudly1. 叫喊; 吼叫 [= yell]E.g. He bawled at me. 他對我大叫。2. 放聲痛哭[= scream]E.g.They couldhear a baby bawling somewhere.Bawl sb out 大聲叫出E.g.He was afraidVic would bawl him out for being late.Bawl(N.)大聲發出; 吼叫;慟哭, 嚎啕;無拘束的, 過度的大叫聲E.g.A good bawl usually makes her feel better.一場號哭通常會使她好過些。(*號哭=痛哭)E.g. He addressed every class in a terrifying bawl.Summary:Bawl通常是用於人的大叫聲和大哭聲~ Howl(V.)1.動物的嗥叫E.g.The wolves howledall night. 那些狼徹夜嗥叫。2.人表達情緒而發出響亮的聲音:如怒吼、號啕大哭、大笑howl in/withE.g.He howled in pain.E.g.Theaudience was howling with laughter.3.風E.g.The wind was howling outside.4. 吼叫著說, 狂喊著表示Howl forE.g.Republicanshave been howling for militaryintervention.Howl outE.g.Someone howled out my name. howl sb/sth down [= shout down]高聲喝止, 大聲喊叫使對方的聲音聽不到E.g.The crowd howled down the unpopular speaker. 群眾大喝倒采, 把那位不受歡迎的演說家的聲音都淹沒了。Howl (n.)[countable]1.動物的嗥叫E.g. You can grip the club when you hear the wolf howl.2.表達情緒的大聲叫喊:如怒吼、號啕大哭、大笑howl ofE.g.He let out a howl of anguish.E.g.I got howls of protest fromreaders3.風E.g.They listened to the howl of the gale.Summary:Howl通常是用於:1.動物的嗥叫:如狼/狗2.人表達情緒而發出響亮的聲音:如怒吼、號啕大哭、大笑3.風聲 Shout(V.)1.叫嚷; 大聲說; 大聲叫[scream, yell]E.g.He didn't shout , he justglared at me silently. 他沒有喊叫,只是默默地怒視著我。 shout atshout something at somebodyshout forshout something to somebody2.因痛,憤怒,挫折的情緒而發出的呼喊, 喊叫E.g.The sick child shouted with pain. 那病童痛得叫了起來。shout sb down高聲喝止, 大聲喊叫使對方的聲音聽不到E.g.An older man triedto shout him down.shout sth out 高呼; 大聲說出; 嚷著說出E.g.I shouted out her name but she didn't hear me.Shout(N.)1. 呼喊; 喊叫聲[scream,yell]:E.g.Children's shouts of joy shook the classroom. shout ofE.g.Tom gave a shout of laughter whenhe saw them.Summary:Howl通常是用於:1.人的叫嚷; 呼喊; 大叫2.因痛,憤怒,挫折的情緒而發出的呼喊, 喊叫*注意shout並沒有哭叫的意思~FinalConclusion: bawl,howl and shout的分別*Bawl,Howl,Shout:都是發出響亮的聲音~但Howl可用於動物,人和風而Bawl和Shout只適用於人~Bawl和Shout的分別在於Shout沒有大哭聲只有大叫聲~

2012-06-30 21:42:45 補充:
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2012-06-30 21:42:59 補充:
參考: ME&網上~I'm sbmandy~!
2012-07-04 3:33 am
bawl, howl and shout的分別?

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