noms 是什麼意思?

2012-06-29 10:59 am
noms 是什麼意思?

回答 (3)

2012-06-30 6:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
我的答案和上面的有異同, 建議你把原文全句打出來, 讓大家參詳參詳一下啊..

1. 本為進食時的聲音, 擬聲詞 ("nom nom nom"). 後來 noms 指食物.
與 [Noms (noun) – The substance or items which are consumed.
Usage: “It’s lunch time, I’m going to find some noms.”] 一樣.

2. yummy. 好味道.
2012-06-30 4:08 am
2012-06-29 3:26 pm
Nom (verb) – From the latin inomyue. To consume with passion while maintaining a high level of cuteness; to nom. Repeated noms increase the intensity of the nom.Usage: “The lion found a clown to nom.”Noms (noun) – The substance or items which are consumed.Usage: “It’s lunch time, I’m going to find some noms.”

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