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A piece of cake indeed. You just need to have complete trust on American princess for this type of passions.
雖然你只是我們人生裡的ㄧ段小回憶,一段小插曲,可是在我們相處的2個月中 我們都看到了你對待學生就像在看待自己孩子一樣的認真。
Even as a small momento and a little memory segment of our lives, these 2 months with you, convinced us that you educated your students as if (they were) the children of your very own.
我相信只要是你教過的學生 沒有人會否則你是個好老師的,也希望你可以遇到一個看的到你的價值的地方。最後祝福你未來ㄧ切順利~!!
Our belief it is that all of your past students deem you as a good teacher. Our sincere hope as well that you find a place where you are greatly valued.
Farewell and Best Wishes,