How is the career affected when the ruler of the 10th is conjunct the sun?

2012-06-27 10:02 pm
ruler of the 10th house is mars (aries) and venus is the only planet in that house. Mars and sun are conjunct in pisces, placed in the 9th house.

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2012-06-27 11:11 pm
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Having Aries on the 10th suggests that you would do well in any occupation that requires stamina and the courage to stand up for the principles that you believe in. And since Venus occupies your 10th House that means that anything connected with Venus (too many to list but beauty, the arts, decorating of any kind, anything that requires a good eye for proportion) would be financially beneficial to you because Venus does rule money in our chart so I would expect that you should be able to find an occupation that not only brings in a high income but also anything that makes life more comfortable would also be a propitious career for you.

And since the ruler of your 10th House is conjunct the Sun this only enhances the possibility that your career will be highly suited to your nature (sun). And since they are in the 9th House there could also be an interest in travel, higher education, metaphysical studies, and the study of other cultures

Sounds like the world is your oyster with these placements and Sun conjunct Mars will give you the energy and stamina to make your dreams a reality. The one thing to watch is that Mars loves to battle and since it is conjunct your sun this might make you seem to have a nature that loves to fight, particularly regarding schools of thought. So this can often cause problems to manifest because we just don't choose worthy battles to fight. So make sure that you only choose worthy battles because unworthy battles will only slow down your progress in your career (10th House) and can cause issues for you regarding higher education, travel, and any type of metaphysical study (9th House).

But these are some really good placements for career and education and travel too. Good luck and bless you and I sure do wish you well.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 19:03:26
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