Ok, just don't get. . . .?

2012-06-27 4:07 am
why men feel it's ok for them to cheat and hide stuff, but when it looks like the woman's doing it, they get twisted? My co-worker is known to be the biggest slut around! Fat, thin, black, white,. . .if it's female he is so there. I asked him one day how would he feel if his wife were to do what he is doing and this man got so mad! He said he would kill someone. Why? My ex started cheating on me, so I cheated back and to this day, he asks like HE got slapped in the face! Even a friend of mine's husband has a female friend he just added to his facebook. He has slepted with her, but tells my friend not to add any past lovers. WHY ARE MEN LIKE THIS???

回答 (5)

2012-06-27 4:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
To me if someone cheats on me I'll do it right back and then dump them I give back what I get period..but only idiots do that I had a coworker who slept with all but one of my female employees and when I asked him the same thing he gave me the exact same answer as this guy did to you and those are the types of guys who still believe this is a "mans world" and men can do whatever they want while women have to be faithful and usually be at home which is called ignorant pompous and stupid I believe in equality but some male and female think the latter which only shows they lack too many braincells and carry an extra chromosome
2012-06-27 4:16 am
Cheaters by their nature don't believe in being fair or in treating others as their equals. Only honest people behave like that.

Cheaters normally try to take advantage of others, whenever they can and escape any negative consequences that might follow. Because if they succeed, then this kind of behavior benefits them.

Perhaps a good strategy to defend yourself against cheaters is to assume that once a cheater is always a cheater. A guy who you see cheat someone else is a guy you should stay away from. Because being a cheater is a part of his character, which makes it likely that he will cheat you too, if he ever gets an opportunity to do so.
Generalisation and a pretty bad one at that, "men" don't sleep around abd cheat on their women. Man-childs do, and they espescially b**** when their women even the score... Why waste time on people like this? Live your life and don't worry about these "men"
2012-06-27 4:10 am
Because the have brains the size of peanuts
2012-06-27 4:09 am
Why are women always tying to steal another womans man? Why do they keep enticing married men? Why the f are they so slutty.

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