2012-06-26 5:39 pm
Are those pregnancy test at those hospitals in Cebu Philippines correct. The reason why I asked is because I have a female that I love she is 37 years old we are in a long distance relationship I told her before I marry her she has to take a pregnancy test when I get there. if you are woman from the Philippines and got a pregnancy test in any of those hospitals please share your experience and tell me if the test is accurate or if it was not true at that time

回答 (8)

2012-06-26 6:31 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Well I'm not a woman but I have a female friend who went to an OB gyne clinic to have herself tested if she is pregnant. The doctor asked her the results of her home pregnancy test and then performed an ultrasound scan on her, and she was indeed pregnant. Hospitals in the Philippines can accurately test if a woman is pregnant or not. We have modern medical equipment and we also have home pregnancy tests which are pretty reliable. It's not like some quack doctor in Africa. LOL. Just make sure that your girl goes to a well-known hospital in Cebu such as Cebu Doctors Hospital or Chong Hua hospital.
2012-06-26 10:15 pm
I told her before I marry her she has to take a pregnancy test LOL. ML, I'm not even mad at you.
2012-06-26 9:34 pm
I agree loyski yes we have a good and modern hospital facilities in the Philippines although we are thrid world country but we are not behind and mostly of the Filipinos are educated too.
參考: myself.
2012-06-27 12:00 am
most filipinas [or any other women] are loyal and trust worthy but if you have doubts about yours you might want to rethink that marriage thing at least until you know her much better
2012-06-27 4:24 am
yes, well, we do have educated medical personnel and modern medical equipment
2012-06-27 3:53 am
Pregnancy test? lol

Just ask when she last gave birth.

If a Pinay gave birth 90 days ago, she's pregnant.
2012-06-26 6:53 pm
You mean to say she got pregnant even you just call each other by phone? Even she's not with you as you are on long distance relationship, wow. Soon we have to be careful breathing, if you get pregnant just thinking about it how much more if you handle a telephone.
But yes hospitals over there can detect pregnancy through ultra sound. Apparently they are not anymore living in dark ages.
2012-06-27 5:53 am
Let me spend a night with her in my room, just the two of us, and I will tell you the very next day if she is pregnant or not. Deal??

We call whitey's Hey Joes, but I don't what to call the Nognogs. Whatever! Give me money.

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