Two easy questions

2012-06-27 3:14 am
Two easy questions

1. Cyclists should not be allowed to ride on pavements, even where roads are very busy.

何謂even where?

2. We believe that parents should pay grandparents to look after their children.

their是指parents 還是grandparents ?

回答 (4)

2012-06-28 2:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
even where即使
Parents,因為個d grandparents 嘅children就等於parents
所以their refers to grandparents:)
參考: me:)
2012-06-27 7:58 am
To remove the ambiguity, the sentence should be written as:

(1) We believe that parents should pay grandparents to look after the children.
(it clearly involves three generations; grandparents, parents, and then children.)

2012-06-27 00:02:25 補充:
(2) We believe that parents should pay their parents to look after their children.
("their" refers to "parents" in this case, but it is very clumsy!)

In your case, "their" should refer to "grandparents" according to rules of grammar.
2012-06-27 5:53 am
你意思是否 even if = even where?
2012-06-27 4:48 am
1. even where = 即使 , 甚至在
2. parents

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