
2012-06-26 8:18 pm
如果面試時老師問我對大學生活的有什麼寄望, 我話: 希望能和老師, 同學建立一個良好的關係, 大家可以融洽相處. 同學之間能夠互相鼓勵, 互相幫助, 從而建立一個和諧的校園.另外, 我希望在努力學習之餘, 能夠多參與課外活動, 不單能鞏固我和相同學系同學的關係, 還能認識不同學系的同學. 而且, 對自己的全人發展亦有很大幫助.

用英文咁講得唔得: I hope I can build up relationship with teachers and schoolmates. As far as I am concerned, it is important for students to help and encourage each other so as to construct a peaceful campus. Beside, I hope I can participate more in extra-curricular activities . Not only I can strengthen the relationship with the schoolmates of same department, but also I can meet the schoolmates of other departments. It is helpful for my personal development.

回答 (1)

2012-06-27 2:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
表達的層次還可以,用詞上有些是不妥的:「as far as I’m concern一般是表示不滿的表達意見」,「a peaceful campus」英語意思上並不是你想講的和諧而是一個沒有戰事的校園,和諧是「harmonious」不過用詞則有點累贅或是寫文的風格,其實有些簡略一點的講法: I hope I can develop mutually encouraging relationship with teachers and schoolmates so that regardless of our academic department and field of studies, we may be harmonious in campus life. I will like to further develop my physical stature and inter-personal skills by participating in extra-curricular activities.

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