Why do Pisces men make things so difficult?

2012-06-26 6:13 am
I have got to know a Pisces man who wanted to be friends on the internet. We know each other for 2 months now and he can be painful, selfish and mean when he wants to. He can also be so caring at times that you tend to forget his other side but that side keeps coming back later on. I think you are in a very dangerous zone when coming close to a Pisces intimately because you never know how he is going to react and take the whole thing. He is moody, complain about things which do not really need to be complained about, he can make you wait if he wants to which is literally punishment to me and I have done nothing wrong except that things did not go his way so he finds ways to punish me back. Can you really trust them? Are they good lovers? If we had a bad start usually I pay attention to signs and I think they (signs) have already warned me that this relationship can be stormy!!!

回答 (2)

2012-06-26 3:43 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I think he may not totally care about you as I know about the way he's acting. You should point it out, he may just be unaware he's causin you so much stress from his behavior. It's actually a pretty good test. If he doesn't care, he won't change his attitude. But I bet if he does then he actually cares about you

Me personally when I treat people that on off way I either have a really bad week and can't help it or you somehow irritate me to a poirt where id lash out a little
2016-02-21 3:53 pm
It all depends o how they were raised Who they hang out with The rest of the astrological chart So on and so on I am a pisces and i can be a ***** sometimes But only if i been hurt emotionally by someone But sooner or later i forget and go back to My bubbly self Ive noticed my son is somehwat the same Hes a piscis too.
2012-06-26 7:04 am
i'm sorry but people come here and ask this same question all the time. and people are more than just their sun sign their are other placements to consider as well. but personal i wouldn't base a relationship
solely on astrology. i would elaborate more with this question if it wasn't so late. sorry i can't give you a good answer right now.

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