在英文中一句可用多於1個past tense嗎???

2012-06-26 4:55 am
我想請教下英文一句之中可唔可以用over1個past tense呢???例如reported speech感I said I was going to be a teacher which is the best in the world.當中的said同was going係past tense黎嫁,點解可多用一個ga???Is又點解唔用past tense呢???唔該唔該.箇中道理係點呢???請俾多d例孑支持你的理論la,thx!!!!!!!!!!答詳細d la,我會俾多d分你嫁,唔該!!!

回答 (1)

2012-06-26 10:21 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Simple sentence 一個句子只有一個 main verb. 但是 compound sentence, 可以有多一個動語, 不限於 past tense。

你的例子屬 compound sentence:
I said (that) I was going to be a teacher which is the best in the world.

that I was going to be a teacher 是一個子句。子句有自己的 subject and verb.
which (a teacher) is the best in the world 也是一個子句, 有自己的 subject and verb.

第二句子句,is 改用 would be 或 will be 會比較恰當。

Reported speech 中,當複述的是事實或真理,會使用 present tense. 但這裡只是一個夢想,因此would be 或 will be 會比較恰當。

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