在英文中一句可用多於個past tense嗎???

2012-06-26 4:54 am
我想請教下英文一句之中可唔可以用over1個past tense呢???例如reported speech感I said I was going to be a teacher which is the best in the world.當中的said同was going係past tense黎嫁,點解可多用一個ga???Is又點解唔用past tense呢???唔該唔該.箇中道理係點呢???請俾多d例孑支持你的理論la,thx!!!!!!!!!!答詳細d la,我會俾多d分你嫁,唔該!!!

回答 (1)

2012-06-28 2:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) A sentence there is just accept one predicate verb in it, the others with action those are " gerund, infinitive and participle. " as noun, adj, and adv describing to the subject / object / vt / vi or whole sentence. so that it is just accept only one predicate verb in a sentence.

2) I said (that) I was going to be a teacher which is the best in the world.
There is three clauses parted by " that " & "which" above.
[ I said ]=main clause.
[ ( that ) I was going to be a teacher.]=noun clause as object.
" that " is the subordinate conjunction can be omitted.
[ which is the best in the world.]=adjective clause.
" which " is the relative adjective.
So that, there is only one verb in each sentence.

3) " Is " is used present tense because that [ to be a teacher is best ] is happening at any times, not only the past.

( present tense=including past, present, futuer=indefinite tense.)


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