
2012-06-25 10:21 pm

My name is xxx. I am xx years old. I am form 7 graduated. I was studying in xxx from form 1 to form 7. I like listening to music as it is a good way for me to relax myself and relieve my pressure. Also, I like reading books such as fiction and DIY books( 教人做手工的書係唔係咁講?). Reading is interesting and I can learn a lot from reading. I am friendly, cheerful, responsible and reliable. I was the school librarian, prefect and the chairman of the Art club as my teacher found that I can think independently(獨立思考係咁講嗎?) and have critical thinking(我咁講會不會很怪?). Besides, I am obedient and had a good record in school. I am interested in studying in law and business(用interested會不會唔好?)because I will have theoretical and practical understanding of fundamental law and business principles after I study in this programme. That understanding is helpful for me to engage in the emerging international business environment and rapid growth in business regulation such as the employment of labour and environmental protection. This is the end of my self-introduction. Thank you!

大學interview有冇限時? 我這個自我介紹會不會太長? 有冇d野應該要講多些, 或者講少些?

回答 (1)

2012-06-26 4:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
個人認爲 self-introduction 只是 summarize 你既 RELATED personal ability, educational experiences & the reason for you to study the programme. 你報BBALaw冇人想知你既interest係聽歌,唔好提,只會令interviewers對你有negative impression。另外唔需要講你幾大,讀中幾,佢有你personal info。
可以提提 your strength that enables you to study the programme 同埋你對呢方面既認知(e.g. 你報Law既咪up下有咩law、不同地區既法制程度等等... (example only) )
仲有,可以的話汁汁vocab 同 grammar,令到篇野更之concise, coherent, clear

2012-06-25 20:46:21 補充:
參考: My experience

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