on the extent to which ?

2012-06-25 4:24 pm
請問句中on the extent to which 是什甚意思? 很難明?
The classification of leases is based on the extent to
which risks and rewards incidental to ownership
of a leased asset lie with the lessor or the lessee.

通常點用法?是noun phrase? conjucntion ?


回答 (3)

2012-06-25 10:13 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Main clause: The classification of leases is based on the extent
Independent (defining relative) clause: to which risks and rewards incidental to ownership ..., where "which" refers to "extent".

Meanings of some Phrases:
based on = 基於
incidental to (something) = 附帶產生 = naturally happening as a result of (something)
incidental to ownership of a leased asset = 由於擁有所租賃資產而產生的
risks and rewards = 風險和回報
lie with = 存在於
the lessor or the lessee = 出租人或承租人

extent = 程度
the extent to which = how much = 在程度上的多少
which = relative pronoun introducing a relative clause defining the extent

The classification of leases is based on (how much risks and rewards...) = 租約的分類是基於 (有多少風險和回報...)

全句翻譯: (literally)

租約的分類是基於 在程度上有多少 因擁有租賃資產而產生的風險和回報 存在於出租人或承租人身上

2012-06-29 09:22:10 補充:
good Chinese translation:

2012-06-27 11:47 am
不知道為什麼the extent to which = how much,看這裡,要耐心地看到進階觀念
2012-06-26 8:04 pm
For easier understanding let’s divide the sentence into parts(1) Main clause 句子主句: The classification of leases is based on the extent to which risks and rewards lie with the lessor or the lessee.(2) Subordinate clause從句/子句: (which are) incidental to ownership of a leased asset, 因擁有出租物業而產生相関的(事物) The classification of leases = Leases are classified is based on = according to 根據the extent to which = the degree/ how far something is = 連用名詞組 a collocated noun group/ noun phrase lie with (somebody) = to somebody’s duty or responsibility 是某人的義務或責任
lie with the lessor or the lessee = the responsibility of the lessor or the lessee

= Leases are classified according to how far is the responsibility of the lessor or the lessee in relation to the ownership of a leased asset.

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