Need help for Horoscope matching!!?

2012-06-24 3:15 pm

I have got an alliance and some astrologers say both our horos got GOOD match while others say there is no match between our horos. I know I have Rahu/Ketu dosha in my horoscope. The girl's family says she also has Rahu/Ketu dosha in her horoscope. But when I checked for horoscope match through a software, it says the Girl doesn't have Rahu/Ketu dosha.

Please suggest whether I can proceed to marry the gal or should I look for other alliance and why some say the girl doesn't have Rahu/Ketu dosha and others say the girl has Rahu/Ketu dosha. Can our horoscope be matched and proceed to marriage?

DOB: 02-AUG-1982
Time: 04:25 A.M

DOB: 27-SEP-1984
TIME: 11:48 P.M

回答 (4)

2012-06-25 12:47 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Married life and its happiness depends on good health and a good mind, mutual trust, understanding, adjustment, mutual faith & respect and above all on love. Stars and planetary positions do not make a successful and happy conjugal life. In our country more than 80% marriages are performed after a thorough matching of the horoscopes. And yet, more than 50% of the girls do not have a happy married life for one reason or another. Humiliation and torture of the womanfolk in their matrimonial home is rampant. The problem is so severe that the government had to make laws for its prevention. The reason for such a malady is that we give complete stress on such superstitious faith of horoscope matching and not on matching the compatibility on the basis of a health check, blood test, family background, status, culture, mental attitudes, mutual likings and consent for marriage and such things which actually may contribute towards a happy married life. Besides this, horoscope is drawn on the incorrect notion that the earth is at the center of the universe and sun, planets and stars revolve around the earth. Basic concept being wrong, predictions on such basis are not reliable. Moreover the religious texts like the Vedas, Upanisadas and Bhagvat Geeta condemned such faith. Future is unknown and nothing can be predicted in advance with certainty. You can only take your decisions and act accordingly honestly, sincerely, seriously with total devotion and leave the rest to your Karma.
2016-02-21 2:23 pm
According to details matching is good 33/36 but do any thing be for 18/10/2011
2012-06-24 3:41 pm
Out of all the charts I've ever done in the last few decades this gals aspects concern me. As far as how you match up together YOU DO have some very nice contacts!

Whether they lead to marriage all comes down to her feelings and the feelings of her relatives which she will always hold in high regard. Something is holding her back- some kind of fear she never speaks about. Do you know what that is?

You have more flexibility in your chart chemistry than she does. A nice chart for finding true love and a good mind for business. I would explore every opportunity at hand. Good Luck
2012-06-24 3:23 pm
Hi. Trust me two are extremely compatible..I checked on a Love compatibility test on a free-birth-chart site of astrological synastry...the numbers were 788 out of 912..that is a high statistic my friend.

Take this comment in good light..and know that marrying her means a good compatible marriage & lifestyle as Libra & Leo in matrimony.:-)

Good-Luck..make the right choice (*I hear wedding bells*)


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