Cancer Male with Scorpio Female or Cancer Male with Pisces Female?

2012-06-24 8:52 am
what sort of relationship would Cancer male and Scorpio female be like as oppose to Cancer male and Pisces female?

回答 (2)

2012-07-01 3:50 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Cancer is water sign rule by Moon and scorpio is water sign ruled by mars, but mars is fire.
Pisces is also water sign rule by Jupiter.
Relation ship with scorpio is not suitable compare to pisces.scorpio people are having much intense in all things they do, also there nature is to take doubt about there dear ones,so cancer will lose his/her Independence up to some extent. On other side pisces is broad minded people and love,caring also.So it is good to go for pisces rather than scorpio.

Please Note this very general statement and direction, as it is based on ONLY one sign.It is always good to check whole horoscope.
參考: Certfied Astrologer
2012-06-24 7:30 pm
Cancer Male with Scorpio Female - more intense, male tends to be the submissive one while the female dominants the relationship, there will be lots of arguments tho they resolve it w/ intense sex lol. Loyalty and stability are what they crave for, both have deep deep connection.

Cancer Male with Pisces Female - very similar in alot of ways that can help them connect, theres mutual soulful connection, not much arguments but ones emotions will rub off on others so both tend to get drown into moodiness. Both are very into sensuality and crave that emotional bond. So its a very intimate relationship.
參考: Cancerian.

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