To Scorpio Girls: Do you like wise people?

2012-06-24 7:03 am
or are they too good for you?

回答 (4)

2012-06-24 7:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
lol. yeah i love wise people. i suppose sometimes they are too good for me as well. as... sometimes i know i can't appreciate all their wisdom because of psychological blocks i am still dealing with. but i do love them. and appreciate them greatly. i try to learn from the wise every chance i can.
參考: scorpio sun, moon
2012-06-24 2:09 pm
They like wise people but not those who are wiser than themselves.
2012-06-24 3:00 pm
Of course I do, but I hate people who are wiser than me and wants a competition about it, I just hate losing but when it comes to a relationship, I want a man who is wiser than me but don't make me feel that I'm a stupid person.. if you know what I mean.. being wise in a good way that'll not make me feel insecure about it..
2012-06-24 2:24 pm
Who Doesn't?
But yeah we Definetly do, but if you're smarter than us that's a problem. we'll feel worthless. so they have to be equal or only a couple of levels behind

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