Three very difficult questions

2012-06-24 3:03 am
1. 下句是present perfect continuous 還是present perfect?
It is the third time she has been skating.

2. 下句是present perfect continuous 還是present perfect?
She has been skating.

3. 若然下句是present perfect continuous,請將它轉做 present perfect,相反,若然下句是present perfect,請將它轉做present perfect continuous。

She has been skating.


回答 (4)

2012-06-24 7:00 pm
✔ 最佳答案
(1) following are some meaningful expressions:

It is the first time she has ever skated. (present perfect) first time + ever
It is only the third time she has skated on a frozen lake.

2012-06-24 10:52:10 補充:
(2) meaningful sentence with present perfect continuous tense:

She has been skating all day without taking a rest.

(3) meaningful sentence with present perfect tense:

She has skated in this rink since she was five.

2012-06-24 11:00:46 補充:
1. present perfect
It is the third time she has skated.

2. present perfect continuous
She has been skating all day without taking a break.

3. present perfect
She has skated in this rink since she was five.

2012-06-25 15:38:29 補充:
Yes, I've been dumb enough to answer the dumbest question of yours.
2012-06-26 10:33 pm
Have a look of these 2 sentences:

I have lived in Hong Kong for two years.
I have been living in Hong Kong for two years.

2012-06-24 4:42 am
She has been skating (grammar) for the 3rd time.(ordinal no.)
The form of a verb that expresses actions completed by the present or a particular point in the past or future,formed in English with part of the verb have AND THE PAST PARTICIPLE OF THE MAIN VERB(=HAS BEEN SKATING).If it is not future perfect,past perfect,then it is present perfect.
2012-06-24 3:07 am

1. 下句的"she has been skating" 是 present perfect continuous 還是present perfect?

It is the third time she has been skating.

2012-06-24 21:30:56 補充:

2012-06-26 17:04:10 補充:

2012-06-26 21:47:04 補充:

1.這是 present perfect

2. 情況一:當skating是名詞時,這句是 present perfect,其結構和第一題的句子一樣
情況二:當skating 是動詞時,這句是present perfect continuous 。

3. 承第二題的答案,先說情況一,由於skating是名詞,所以只能以present perfect表達,不能轉做present perfect continuous。再說情況二,由於skating是動詞,所以能轉做present perfect,即She has skated.

2012-06-26 21:48:06 補充:

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