英文 gerund 同noun

2012-06-23 10:13 pm
To be granted a licence, the applicant must have passed the relevant qualifying examination

can I use "qualification" to replace "qualifying"?
both words are same meaning or will have different meaning in this situation?


回答 (8)

2012-06-24 1:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
You can use 'qualifcation' to replace 'qualifying' in
"To be granted a licence, the applicant must have passed the relevant qualifying examination ."
It is because a qualifying examination is an examination for qualifying someone to a certain recognised qualification. A qualification examination has the same meaning as a qualifying examination.
For example:
(EQE) European Qualification Examination is also called European Qualifying Examination.
(References: see參考資料 )

2012-06-24 05:40:07 補充:
Quite contrary to what 003 and 004 said, nouns can be used as adjectives, eg HK Advanced Level Examination, Hong Kong Examination and Assessment Authority.

003 and 004 are right to point out "qualifying" is a past participle in the sentence. We should also know that it is not a gerund there.

2012-06-24 05:42:52 補充:
Quite contrary to what 003 and 004 said, nouns can be used as adjectives, eg HK Advanced Level Examination, Hong Kong Examination and Assessment Authority, history teacher, ticket office, race horse.

2012-06-24 05:50:05 補充:
Learn about Noun as Adjective here參考資料:
a race horse is a horse that runs in races
a horse race is a race for horses
a qualification examination is an examination for qualifications
an examination qualification is a qualification gained from passing examinations.

2012-06-24 06:04:48 補充:
Answer001(..the applicant must pass the examination with relevant qualification.) and answer004(.. the applicant might have passed the relevant qualified examination.) both change the meaning and/or tense of the original sentence.
must pass=/=must have passed

2012-06-24 06:07:59 補充:
examination with relevant qualification=/=relevant qualifying examination
relevant qualified examination =/=relevant qualifying examination

2012-06-24 06:11:01 補充:
003 and 004 are right to point out "qualifying" is a past participle in the sentence. ---->
003 and 004 are right to point out "qualifying" is a present participle in the sentence.

2012-06-25 04:03:23 補充:
As a qualifying examination is an examination for qualifying someone to a certain recognised qualification. A qualification examination has the same meaning as a qualifying examination. In fact it may be better as it reflects the important part of "qualification".

2012-06-25 07:58:57 補充:
sik-hung's question是否非物質[名詞]可作形容詞用?
物質/非物質both are OK.
物質 examples: basketball court, leather basketball

2012-06-25 16:57:03 補充:
非物質 examples: fantasy island, data source

2012-06-26 16:35:02 補充:
The question here is "can I use "qualification" to replace "qualifying"?
The answer is yes. Both qualifying examination and qualification examination are used as proved by Babab's google search mentioned above in 013.

2012-06-26 16:41:38 補充:
Google search results:
qualification examination - About 36,600,000 results
qualifying examination - About 3,450,000 results

2012-06-27 14:08:27 補充:
Update of Google search results:
qualification examination - About 36,900,000 results
qualifying examination - About 2,550,000 results

2012-06-27 21:18:15 補充:
For the other question "both words are same meaning or will have different meaning in this situation?"-
The two words do not have the same meanings, but they can both be used with 'examination' in this situation to mean nearly the same thing.

2012-06-29 15:51:02 補充:
Google search:
"relevant qualification examination"- About 11,100 results
"relevant qualifying examination" - About 11,200 results, less than 1% more

2012-06-29 21:37:00 補充:
If read correctly, the 'tion' in 'examination' pronounces differently to the 'tion' in 'qualification'. And it does not sound strange.
It is only subjective to think that it is unnatural for two words both ending in -tion to be put together in a phrase.
2012-06-27 6:49 pm
I agree with sik-hung and yip that "qualifying"in this sentence is not a gerund, but a present participle acting as an adjective. I also agree with eicachan that "qualification" can be used to describe "examination".

2012-06-24 08:40:37 補充:
Although "qualification" is a nourn, not an adjective, but as the first noun of the compound nourn "qualification examination", it does carry the function of an adjective, to describe the second noun.

2012-06-24 08:45:48 補充:
Sorry about the wrong spelling - "noun", not "nourn".

2012-06-24 08:55:25 補充:
Correction: "Although" can not be used with "but", so the "but" should be deleted.

2012-06-25 05:28:37 補充:
形容詞不能用來描述一個形容詞。"relevant qualifying examination" 這句話中, "relevant" 是形容詞,"qualifying examination" 是 "名詞片語" (noun phrase)。 "qualifying examination" 和 "qualification examination" 都是英語人習慣用的 "名詞片語"。

2012-06-25 05:41:01 補充:
"verb + ing" 可以用作現在分詞,例如:"he has passed the qualifying examination", 也可以是一個動名詞,例如:"He is very close to qualifying"。"現在分詞" 是 "形容詞",不能在同一時間是一個 "動名詞",因為後者是一個名詞。

2012-06-27 10:49:16 補充:
In this situation, you can use either "qualifying examination" (adjective + noun) or "qualification examination" (compound noun). The meaning is similar, because "qualification examination" is an accepted compound noun, to mean "this is the examination that qualifies the person passing it".

In other situations, such as "qualifying races", "qualifying swimming", etc., we can not say "qualification races" or "qualification swimming" because they are not accepted "compound nouns" and do not possess those meanings.

*I was blocked from posting the following opinion, which I think is legitimate and valid:

形容詞只能用來描述名詞。Two, small, black, 和 plastic 都只是用來描述 "bag" 這個名詞。由於 "two" 描述 "bag”,所以 "bag" 需要添加 "s"。 "two small black plastic bags" 才是正確的。
參考: my past learning
2012-06-26 10:40 pm
I prefer:
To be granted a licence, the applicant must have passed the relevant qualifying examination.

If you want to use the word qualification:
To be granted a licence, the applicant must possess the relevant qualification.
2012-06-25 6:04 am
有些現在分詞既是動名詞,亦是形容詞,如interesting, amazing等,而qualifying 也屬於這類型,請見yahoo字典對qualifying的解釋。
所以 relevant qualifying examination = 形容詞+ 形容詞+ 名詞,這是符合英國人說話習慣的表達方法。

2012-06-24 22:04:28 補充:
至於可否說 relevant qualification examination 呢?

我認為這樣說不太自然,因為在沒有相關形容詞的情況下,才會用名詞修飾名詞,例如:an address book 一本地址簿,由於address沒有形容詞形式,所以名詞address 擔當形容詞角色修飾book。但 qualification是有形容詞形式的,就是qualifying,所以順理成章用qualifying。其道理就如只會說a beauiful girl ,不會說a beauty girl 一樣。

2012-06-25 22:17:41 補充:
形容詞能用來描述一個形容詞,例如:two small black plastic bag, a tall young man等等,這是基本知識。

這些才叫做名詞片語:The meeting to be held tomorrow, a man without his left leg,這也是基本知識。如想進一步了解,請上網搜尋名詞片語的資料。

事實勝於雄辯,用google rearch,qualifying examination的搜尋結果比qualification examination 多四倍。

2012-06-28 22:17:48 補充:
搜尋時要加" " ,即 " qualification examination" / "qualifying examination"
這樣的話,qualifying examination的結果遠比 qualification examination 多。

我同意有相同意思,但我認為不太自然,加上由於兩個字都以tion 結尾,說起上來比較奇怪。

2012-06-29 23:06:00 補充:
2012-06-25 3:48 am
You cannot replace it.
Past participle ,verbal adj=qualifying=a qualifying exam recognised=qualified
Not a gerund.
Granting a licence,passing the exam,he got a qualification (n).
2012-06-24 12:02 pm
I don't think qualifying can be replaced by qualification; because the latter is a noun while the former is a present participle.
In my opinion, the sentence might be written as: To be granted a licence, the applicant might have passed the relevant qualified examination.
2012-06-24 6:26 am
To be granted a licence, the applicant must have passed

the relevant qualifying examination.

"qualifying " is being as present participle as an adjective to describe examination.

And " qualification" is a noun, it is not suitable for examination.

2012-06-24 18:14:47 補充:
請教(知識長)eicachan: 是否非物質[名詞]可作形容詞用?
2012-06-23 11:06 pm
To be granted a licence, the applicant must have passed the relevant qualifying examination

Although Gerund and Noun have similar purpose of a noun,we cannot simply replace qualifying with qualificatin in the sentence. If we like to use qualification , sentence needs to be rewritten as:

To be granted a licence, the applicant must pass the examination with relevant qualification.

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