
2012-06-22 9:10 pm
Most people will not have seen last night’s lunar eclipse.

last night’s lunar eclipse 是昨晚的事,但 future perfect tense顧名思義是指將來的事,兩者明顯矛盾。是否應改用present perfect tense?

回答 (5)

2012-06-23 4:53 pm
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This will be your book, I suppose.(我想這是你的書吧)
How far is it to the station? It will be five miles.(到車站有多遠呢?大概五哩吧。)

再說為甚麼will後用have + pp,這是表示,對過去的推測

You will have heard the news = I suppose you have heard the news. (我想你已經聽到那消息了。)

Most people will not have seen last night’s lunar eclipse.意思是說:想,多數人未曾看到昨晚的月蝕。

其實這個will + have + pp並非鮮有,英文文法書,討論will的特殊用法,多會提及

2012-06-24 6:14 am
will not have seen 不是將來完成式,不能看成一個整體。
要這樣看:”will not” + “have seen” ,這裡的 will not沒有 "將來" 的意思,只有 ”不會” 的意思,有猜測的意味,請看yahoo字典第五個解釋。而have seen 解作 “看過” ,是一個發生於過去且已完成的動作。

Most people + will not + have seen + last night’s lunar eclipse.
= 大多數人 + 不會 + 看過 + 昨晚的月蝕。
2012-06-23 4:19 am
Will=是將來的事, 說及已經過去的,不適用.

該用would.=past tense of will.

Most people would not have seen a lunar eclipse last night.(time adv.)

昨晚 大部份人不會看到月蝕.
2012-06-22 10:49 pm
這句的tense是否錯?Most people will not have seen last night’s lunar eclipse.
last night’s lunar eclipse 是昨晚的事,但 future perfect tense顧名思義是指將來的事,兩者明顯矛盾。是否應改用present perfect tense?
My suggestions:
Correct/ acceptable sentences:
Many people have seen last night's lunar eclipse. (present perfect tense)
*see (something) =see ( last night's lunar eclipse)
= Many people have seen something. (present perfect tense)

** last night's lunar eclipse is just something = a noun= has no relationship with tense.
** It has nothing to do with past tense. (last night's lunar eclipse= not a past tense indicator )

*****Most people will not have seen last night's lunar eclipse until 2014. (future perfect tense)

***Obviously the time indication (before or until 2014) is missing in the original sentence.
The original sentence is correct if a future time , for example before or until 2014, is specified.

Some facts on total/ complete Lunar eclipse:
e.g. This is the last lunar eclipse inthe current yearand we are not going to have another beautiful and complete eclipse like thisone for another two years.(until 2014)e.g. After last night's total lunar eclipse,the next to be seen will take place on 15 April 2014,
2012-06-22 9:30 pm
參考: 有道翻譯

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