
2012-06-22 5:35 am
There is a mistake in each sentance. Find and underline them. Write the correct answer on the line provided.

1. The exploerers were lost in the mountians last Friday.
2. My mother went shopping in the new department store.
3. They are going togo on a adventurous tripnext summer.
4. My uncle isn't fixing the computer at present.
5. Is Jackie Chan a popolar kung fu star?
6. We decarated the Christmas tree this afternoon.
7. Helen didn't arrive to school early. She was late.
8. My brothers were quarelling in their bedroom at 6pm yesterday.
9.Aunt Jane will go siteseeing in Hong Kong tomorrow.


回答 (3)

2012-06-22 6:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. explorers
2. departmental
3. an (adventurous trip)
4. -
5. popular
6. decorated
7. (arrive) at
8. quarrelling
9. sightseeing
2012-06-22 11:02 pm
4.fixed up
6.will decorate

I hope I can help you so.
參考: by me ^^
2012-06-22 5:28 pm
1. The explorers were lost in the mountains last Friday.
2. My mother went shopping in the new departmental store.
3. They are going to an adventurous trip next summer.
4. My uncle isn't fixed up the computer at present.
5. Is Jackie Chan a popular kung fu star?
6. We will decorate the Christmas tree this afternoon.
7. Helen didn't arrive school early. She was late.(omit "to")
8. My brothers were quarrelling in their bedroom at 6pm yesterday.
9.Aunt Jane will go sightseeing in Hong Kong tomorrow.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 18:45:44
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