
2012-06-21 8:56 pm
希望可改善Writing, Listening,Reading,Speakin.

回答 (4)

2012-06-22 1:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
To yyh10,
Contact me for Writing,Listening,Reading,Speakin(g)English language and literature as a subject of study by professor of English are from me to you.
English connected with your career are also from me to you.
Good Luck.

2012-06-21 17:48:45 補充:
American landed on the Island HK at 1997.
Hence a word,phrase,or sound that is typical of the English Language as it is used in the US are used here.

2012-06-25 18:24:55 補充:
I progress thru History of HK I am a career diplomat.You can end a career in the us navy.(From New Ox American's Foreigner Dictionary)
參考: google website
2012-06-24 3:54 am
如果你係英文基楚超級差...的話我建議你唔好直接搵外籍老師= =

因為佢可能同你講一d英文你又唔識聽,佢又唔識講中文咁你學到d咩呢= =??


長細資料可以e-mail我,[email protected]
2012-06-23 8:31 pm
Native English Exchange Center was established in 2010. The establishers, Mr. Peter Davenport (British) would like to promote an English Learning Programme in Hong Kong. The programme was titled as “Chatting with a Foreigner- a chance for English Learning and Cultural Exchange”. It was designed for the primary and secondary students and adults who lacked platform and chance to speak English. It is hoped that under the One to One training, student can be a fluent and confident English speaker. As what we always believe, “Practice makes Perfect”.
教育程度及專業資格 :
All tutors have Bachelor Degrees from different Universities,
Completed his Postgraduate Diploma in Education Programme in UK or Completed Mphil studies in University of Cambridge.

1. Public Speaking
2. Interview Skill
3. Communication Skill

一) 公開演說技巧
二) 面試技巧
三) 人際交流及溝通技巧

教學經驗 :
All tutors have teaching experience in different academic settings.

語文能力 :
All tutors are Naive English speakers and they have been studied in UK or America for at least 10 years.

網址 : http://www.neechk.com
地址 : 油麻地碧街 38 號協群商業大廈 301 室
電話 : 34800045

2012-06-24 15:17:01 補充:
2012-06-21 9:52 pm
你可以同的位阿Sir 傾下, 他是美國人,私人教授英語. 希望佢可以幫到你:-

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