
2012-06-21 7:48 pm
租約不見了,當時租約已打厘印, 現在租客欠租3個月了, 但想去土地審裁處申請收樓,可以嗎???

回答 (2)

2012-06-22 8:41 am
只可收樓,不得追租,because you loss租約!
2012-06-21 9:01 pm
I will not say it is impossible, but it will be difficult.

You should follow this guideline:


What makes this difficult is you don't have the lease agreement. But if you can show that the lease has taken place (like proof of rent deposit, any communication with the tenants), you should be fine.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 18:46:19
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