In your opinion, who is a very over-rated actor?

2012-06-20 6:20 pm
I would say who *I* think, but probably better not to...I'm likely to get a bunch of angry =P

回答 (9)

2012-06-20 7:42 pm
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Wow some people don't know the difference between 'Actor' and 'Actress'.

I would say Russell Brand or Tom Cruise.
2012-06-21 1:25 am
Kirsten stewart
2012-06-21 1:30 am
Ashton Kutcher
2012-06-21 1:29 am
the entire cast of Twilight and Nicolas Cage.
2012-06-21 1:26 am
Tom Cruise
Julia Roberts
2012-06-21 2:08 am
Channing Tatum, Ryan Reynolds, Matthew Mcconaughey etc, that are purely casted because they're considered "eye candy". Painfully bad acting.
2012-06-21 1:22 am
Christian Bale
2012-06-21 1:32 am
The burned out, emaciated geezer, Johnny Depp...sheesh.

And dont mess w/ Tom & Christian.
2012-06-21 3:16 am
I was gonna say Nicholas cage! :)

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