
2012-06-21 5:37 am
最後一次高考 如果全都不合格
想去外國讀書 應該點搵學校?
地方:美國.澳洲... ...

想問下想讀心理學 OR 關於動物既科去咩國家好而且
如果係香港中7成績不是太理想 只得會考全PASS 會吾會讀吾到上面既科?


回答 (3)

2012-06-22 12:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
to be honest you should prepare now.

1 question: do you want to come back to HK after you've finished your degree elsewhere?
if no, then you can just submit your score to any institution and obtain a bachelor degree three years later.

if yes, here comes another problem: do you want a professional qualification?

i can see that u wish to do with animal-related subjects, a vet perhaps? go to australia for that. they have all sorts of foundation to veterinary degree. foundation actually only requires you to F.6 level.

for psychology, study where you wish to work afterwards, because during your studies you will familiarize yourself with the system and circumstance of the place. if you are staying in HK for psychology, u should study in HK
if not, you can try foundation in UK unis.
or Community college in US unis (maybe you can get direct entry to year 2 *V*) in the first two years of uni, you will have an opportunity to explore yourself. and you will start your major in Year 3 and end in year 4... could be a better choice if you wish to take psychology there.

you can visit the agents' websites, they have loads of information about Community college in US...if you wish you can apply to the college on your own.

but first and foremost, take IELTS or TOEFL
參考: my experience :)
2012-06-24 3:28 am
最後一次高考 如果全都不合格的話
很難出國讀心理學 OR 關於動物既科.


讀心理學 OR 關於動物既科 呢個2個科相信係你既興趣吧?




2012-06-23 19:29:14 補充:
[email protected]
2012-06-21 6:48 am

呢位朋友仔, 首先你要確定你要去讀書架國家同自己架經濟能力。
中7成績唔好, 你最好就考IELTS, TOELF, AEAS(澳洲) 去彌補英文先。
另外, 你當然可以讀D大學先修班啦(Foundation Programmes) 再讀上U啦~

至於外國大學架資料, 都係等你確定左去咩國家先比你啦~

最後, 果你冇咁多錢, 你都可以考慮一下係香港讀國際認可高級文憑課程, 咁樣你可以慳唔少錢, 之後直入外國大學Year 2 或 Year 3。

(其實我係Agent,不過絕對唔收學生錢果種,我地只會係你成功去外國入讀後收外國大學俑金,而你要交架學費係絕對冇影響的。我地咁樣幫學生除左想賺俑外, 另外都希望當你成功入學或讀完後, 幫幫手係我公司架網頁分享一下你架心得。)

如果你有興趣想了解多D大學架資料同申請程序或以上提及過架國際認可高級文憑課程, 好歡迎你Send個E-mail 比我:

[email protected]


我公司將會係6月28號舉辦一個AL/DSE本地及海外升學出路講座比今年DSE/AL架同學仔, 費用全免。 (記得帶埋你朋友一齊黎!) 詳情請參考以下的 Link:



2012-06-21 00:04:23 補充:
P.S. 而家去澳洲比去美國應該會相對貴!

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