小學 [關於逗號, and, 同埋幾個 verbs]

2012-06-21 12:32 am
a balanced diet:
- eat more vegetables
- eat less meat
- avoid junk food and snacks

我見到有人將以上 points 寫成 :
... a balaced diet like eat more vegetables, less meat, avoid junk food and snacks.

其實係唔係錯左 ?
最好應該點寫 ?

Po lan : 如果我想用返同以上 points 一樣既字眼呢 ? 即係同返 eat XXX , avoid XXX 咁. 我有諗過 : ... a balaced diet like eating more vegetables and less meat, and avoiding junk food and snacks. 但用咁多 and 又好似好累贅咁...


yoyo , 我首先要讚賞你既勇氣. 睇返你既 records , 你自己話自己今年讀小五 --- 上面條題目正正係出自一本小五作業之中. 而於另一條問題當中 , 你比人搵到你用翻譯機直譯句子. 樂於助人固然係一件好事 , 但同時 , 了解自己都好重要 , 勇於正視自己既問題並改之亦係一件美事. 有咩問題 , 就要不恥下問. 係呢 , 唔知你星爺既戲有冇認識呢 ? 我記得佢講過 : 面係人地比. 最後 , 我想勉勵你一句 : 知之為知之 , 不知為不知 , 是知也.

回答 (5)

2012-06-21 12:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
a balanced diet includes more vegetables,less meat, and no junk food and snacks
2012-06-26 10:46 pm
To achieve a balanced diet, one should eat more vegetables but less meat. It is also very important to avoid junk food and snacks.
2012-06-21 11:21 pm
a balanced diet:
- eat more vegetables
- eat less meat
- avoid junk food and snacks
... a balanced diet like eat more vegetables, less meat, avoid junk food and snacks.
In your example, like (prep.) means for example (like = for example)
**There should be a comma befoe like or for example if it is followed by a phrase/ a clause without a finite verb.
, like
, for example
eat and avoid are not finite verbs but infinitives wthout to (to eat) &(to avoid)
the sentence should read like this:
.... a balanced diet, like eat more vegetables, eat less meat, and avoid junk food and snacks.
2012-06-21 1:19 am
...a balanced healthy diet means eats more vegetables,less meat,avoid junk food(spoken) (and) snacks.
2012-06-21 1:10 am
1.a balaced diet like eat more vegetables, less meat, avoid junk food and snacks

中'like' 意思係''像/如'',5係''喜歡'',所以不用+ing

2.a balaced diet like eating more vegetables and less meat, and avoiding junk food and snacks.
5駛+''and'' la!! 像中文一樣,你5會寫''我喜歡吃紅豆,和黄豆,和綠豆'' 咖馬!!

Hope i can help you!!

2012-06-20 17:15:40 補充:
可寫成:a balanced diet is about eat more vegetables,less meat and avoid junk food or snacks.(easiest)
參考: me, me

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