words used -Why in these ways?

2012-06-21 12:00 am
I'm reading a book now and have a few questions about the words used.

1/ "this book is dedicated with deepest love..."
>> When I was small, teachers taught me that "the" should be added in front of "-est". Then why "the" is not necessary on the above sentence? How can I figure out "the" is an essential word when using "-est"?

2/ "... my sister... believing in me..."
>> Sometimes there's "in" after "believe" while sometimes not. I've checked my electronic dictionary for more examples. It provides both "I believe in you" and "I believe you". When I refer to the Chinese meanings of these two sentences, the previous one is "信任" while the latter is "相信". I'm wondering if there's any difference like the degree of belief.

3/ "... his brilliant ideas, from which I always benefit."
>> Apart from "from which", I also see ".... , in which...". Why are they written in this way? I know this sentence means "I always benefit from hisbrilliant ideas ", then can I write in "... his brilliant ideas, which I always benefit from" ?

4/ "(someone), whose help and creativity have guided me..."
>> Why not using "who" instead of "who"? I've checked my dictionary, it's said that "whose" is "who/which 的所有格". I don't know what it is talking about. And I refer to the examples, not only human, but an object can also being applied in such sentence (whose). Why? I just thought that "whose" is only applicable to human.

5/ "I receive pictures of happy couples and their children, with letters thanking me for saving their marriage."
>> The author is not referring to a pair of couple only. Why is the word "marriage" not in a plural form?

It doesn't matter if you can't answer all the quesions. Just answer as many as possible! I would still feel very thankful to you ^v^ !

Martin: "2. almost the same " >> So not totally the same? What's the difference then? TOMING88: I understand your example but I still confuse with my original question. Can you explain that again?


By the way, how to use "in which" ?

回答 (4)

2012-06-21 12:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. 慣用語言.
2. almost the same . your chinese difinition is correct!
3. yes!(for your last question), but less formal!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4. whose here refer to someone's. or XXX的
you cannot say "who+noun"
you can only say "whose +n"
參考: my super brain
2012-06-30 12:39 am
1. A article "the" just for noun, not for adj=deepest.
with deepest love=as adv to modify " is dedicated ".

2. almost the same . your chinese difinition is correct!
3. yes!(for your last question), but less formal!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4. " Someone, whose help(n) and creativity(n) have guided me....."
"whose(pron.) =屬於他的(指某人)help & creativity 已引導了我. (而不是who)
(help and creativity 是subject......若用who作subject就會好乱.)

5.marriage is an abstract noun.It may be plural as in eg:-One in three marriages ends in divorce.In this case marriage should be plural,to answer all the questions.
2012-06-24 5:13 am
Q1. A article "the" just for noun, not for adj=deepest.
with deepest love=as adv to modify " is dedicated ".

Q2. I believe you.= 我相信你.
I believe in you.=我實在/毫無疑問地信任你. " in " =adv, not a prep.

Q3. ........ , from which I always benefit.=從那一方面, 我經常(間接偷師)得益.
......... , in which I always benefit. =在那一方面, 我經常(直接分紅)得益.

Q4. " Someone, whose help(n) and creativity(n) have guided me....."
"whose(pron.) =屬於他的(指某人)help & creativity 已引導了我. (而不是who)
(help and creativity 是subject......若用who作subject就會好乱.)

Q5. marriage在此句是指兩人的婚姻只得一個. 好多對等如那婚姻好多一個.
參考: 自己
2012-06-21 12:56 am
(5)marriage is an abstract noun.It may be plural as in eg:-One in three marriages ends in divorce.In this case marriage should be plural,to answer all the questions.

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