revision guides of gce

2012-06-20 6:12 pm
I am going to take the Edexcel GCE.

I can find revision guides published by the Exdecel.
Some internet friends recommend me to use letts/cgp for GCE revision guides.

1. What are the differences between them?
2. Which one is more detailed?
3. Which one is more systematic?
4. Any other revision guides by other publishers would you recommend?
5. Among all publishers of GCE revision guides, which is the most popular among elite schools in the UK??


回答 (1)

2012-06-27 4:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案
halo, 我係英國讀緊書, 希望幫到你丫=]

1. What are the differences between them?

>> 佢地都係一樣既, 只係佢地既style 唔同, letts 既就文字比較多, 而cgp 就係圖比較多, 你可以睇下你鍾意咩style 既learning 就可以揀邊一間, 我個人就唔係太鍾意cgp, 因為太多colour 睇到好混亂, 但如果你係鍾意colourful 既野, cgp 都係可以既, 呢個好睇個人, 個content 係一樣, 只係個presentation 唔一樣的.
2. Which one is more detailed?

>> 都係一樣的, 但如果你係specifically 真係考edexcel, 其實真係有study guide 係俾edexcel 既study guide, 但係只係係英國先可以買到既, 而邊個more detail, 其實係一樣的.

3. Which one is more systematic?

>> 見1) 係一樣的, 只係個presentation 唔一樣, 如果你真係唔信, 你去commerical press 睇下就會知道了.

4. Any other revision guides by other publishers would you recommend?

>> 見2)

5. Among all publishers of GCE revision guides, which is the most popular among elite schools in the UK??

>> 係英國有好多publisher 都好好, 有collins, letts, cgp, phillip 等等, 我4杠都有買過, 最好係phillip, 因為係針對exam board 既, 而colloin 就比較分析得好一d, 之後就係letts 同cgp, 但係hk 只係得後面2個, 所以, 如果真係2揀一既話, 我會揀letts 既.

希望幫到你丫, 有d咩可以再email我的=]
參考: 多年uk留學exp :]

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