Windows Live MSN Messenger Forced Update?

2012-06-19 10:32 pm
It seems Microsoft FINALLY did it, but I still think their 2011 version sucks horribly. I refuse to update unless I have absolutely no other choice. Is there any way to continue with the 2009 version I already have? A way to maybe modify it and force it to work, or allow it to be recognized as a newer version than it actually is?

I run Windows Vista. While I am aware of the Compatability Mode work-around, it doesn't work for me, maybe because I'm running Vista. I can select it and apply it, but when I try to boot up the program, it never loads.

回答 (3)

2012-06-19 11:45 pm
✔ 最佳答案
It's trying to force me to update too, but I found a semi work around. I set compatibility to Windows 2000, and was able to sign into msn without updating. There's a catch though, all my addons like messenger plus didn't load with it.
參考: Experience
2012-06-20 9:58 am
Set the compatibility mode of the msn executable file to "Windows XP Service Pack 3"
This should still work for a while more
2012-06-20 3:07 am
Try to set the compatibility mode to Vista Service pack 1. It worked for me and messenger plus is also working too. :)
2012-06-19 10:40 pm
I'm wanting to know myself. Posting here hoping for a good answer, hacked/modified versions welcome.

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