
2012-06-20 6:09 am
我十日後要去job interview, 我應徵啲job is temporary executive assistant, 我想問如果個interviewer問我有咩缺點, 我咁講得唔得: I am inhibited. It is hard for me to relax myself. When I speak to someone, I am afraid of making her of him mad. Since I usually give great pressure to myself when I face with someone that I have not ever seen before, I usually have unnatural performance.我仲想講我較少流露真性情, 但係用英文應該點講? 接著, 我說:However, I have tried my best to change my weakness. Before I meet someone that I have not ever seen before, I would listen to music so as to have relaxation. I find that this way is helpful for me to perform more naturally.

最後, 我想問有些什麼缺點d interviewer鍾意聽到? 可以講我知嗎? thx~

回答 (1)

2012-06-20 8:17 pm
✔ 最佳答案
As a/s executive in interview,how can employer asks about your weakness?
Q:-What's your weakness?
A:-I'm inhibited from airing!
Hard and unable to relax.
When I speak to you,I might make you mad.
It's such great pressure to me when I face a stranger like you.
Hence I've such unnatural performance;can't express naturally.
I have seldom show off/express my true self in fear/doubts.
However I try my best to show off sincerely?
Before I met a stranger interviewer,I would listen to music to relax.
I find this way helpful for me to perform well.

Interviewer like to know on weakness from interviewee:-
Lack of strength,eg:-The interviewee weakness in heart-attack and turns pale.
Power of determination:-eg,listening to music and keep inhibit in conversation.
-----------------------:-eg,weak in her argument reply!
Financial status eg:-the poorness of her family against living;
----------------------------asking too high a salary award w/o experience.
Therefore know your own strength and weakness!

2012-06-21 17:21:44 補充:
Know your strength and weakness;and become strong in interview!
參考: google English translation website.

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