Bad的副詞是否ill 或 badly都可以?

2012-06-20 5:37 am
Bad的副詞是否ill 或 badly都可以?

回答 (2)

2012-06-20 7:45 pm
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bad = adj = not of acceptable quality 差,劣, e.g. a bad worker
badly = adverb of bad = in a bad manner 差劣地
e.g. The children play badly. ( The children play ill. ×)
= by a great deal e.g. My horse was badly beaten in the race.
(My horse was ill beaten in the race. ×)
(used with want, need etc. )= a great deal, very much 非常/極之
e.g. They want help badly. (They want help ill. ×)
ill = adj = not well in health 有病
e.g. She is ill, so she can't come.
e.g. She suffers from ill health.
ill= adverb副詞 (often in combining form 常與另一字連用) = badly, cruelly or unpleasantly 惡意地/ 殘酷地/ 不愉快地 e.g. The child has been ill-treated.
= adverb = hardly, scarcely; not enough 沒有/ 不足夠
e.g. The baby is ill fed.
I can ill afford the time.
= adverb = unfavourably 劣評
e.g. People speak ill of Tom.
She thinks ill of her husband.
badly is the proper adverb of bad
in some cases ill=badly
e.g ill-treated = babdly treated
but not all the time
ill 和badly 用作 adverb 時在某些意義上相通, 但大多數都不同,
2012-06-20 8:44 pm
小心 “badly” 有好多個不同的用法:
“bad” 可以是 adj,同時亦可以用作 “adv”.

壞; 拙劣地
She sings badly. 她唱得不好。

邪惡地; 罪惡地
To steal is to act badly. 偷竊是惡劣行為。

2012-06-20 12:44:27 補充:
Badly 的其它解釋:

不利地; 有害地
He spoke badly of his boss. 他說他老板的壞話。


嚴重地; 厲害地
My back hurts badly. 我的背疼得厲害。

【口】很, 非常
She wants to go badly. 她很想去。

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