
2012-06-19 6:45 pm


Yes, I'm sick,because of your charming smile makes insane,and I know you love me ,just you don't know now

Sui Ming 你的回答跟我的英文老師一樣,謝謝唷! Ms children 你用的好像是比較難的文法,but 謝謝你 SHARON 我覺得你答的也很好,但還是有點難懂,但謝謝! Infinito - 無極 我覺得你答的很接近我想表達的意思,謝謝!

回答 (4)

2012-06-19 9:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案

Yes, I'm sick because of your charming smile that makes me crazy. I'm
sure that you love me, though you're not aware yet.

用because of是可以的, 只是後面要加關代that (關代當主詞時不可省略).
drive sb crazy的意思較偏向於激怒, 不太合本句語意.
參考: *Infinito無極* 翻譯經驗
2012-06-19 9:40 pm
the grammar should like this....
S+make(causative V)+O or participle
sometimes, we can use the adjective or noun phrase to instead of participle
keep him safe
make the baby smile

if i were you , i will say ...
yes , i am sick .
because of your charming smile dirvies/makes me carzy,
i know you love me, too ,but you may not really understand now.
參考: Myself
2012-06-19 8:27 pm
Yes - I've been ill because your charming smile drives me crazy. I know that you're in love with me, it is just that you don't even know yet.
參考: 9 year experience from overseas study & work
2012-06-19 7:20 pm
Because of 刪掉of就好
因為because of後面跟noun phrase,
參考: myself

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