I have a Venus in Capricorn and a Mars in Cancer...what sort of partner am I?

2012-06-18 10:36 pm
I also have a Sun in Scorpio and Moon in Libra and am a Scorpio Rising.


回答 (3)

2012-06-18 10:38 pm
✔ 最佳答案
A double Scorpio? Yiks! Maybe a compassionate priest or someone with a lot of patience!
2012-06-21 12:33 pm
Don't you KNOW? You want an astrologer to tell you what sort of partner YOU are? Some faceless, useless, know-nothing, patronising, freak of a person and YOU are going to entrust them to tell you about YOUR relationship skills?

Get real.

You can enjoy a much happier life without the stresses and concerns you have about the nonsense that is astrology and ignore it all, because all it does is throw up far more questions than answers, and cause you to worry.
2012-06-19 5:37 am
You have nothing.... astrology is a meaningless fraud.

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