
2012-06-18 11:28 pm

Dear Sir, Madam,

Application for the Post of XXX (Ref: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)

With reference to your advertisement in "XXX" on "DATE", I am writing to apply for the post of "XXX".

Having graduated from "XXX School" majoring in Diploma in "XXX". I possess more than 2 years' experience in "XXX". I am proficient in the use of Microsoft Word, Excel, Power Point, etc. My position also requires directing marketing department and projects, as well as communicating and working directly with various vendors.

With strong sense of responsibility & independent. Enclosed please find a resume giving you details of my personal particulars.

I would be grateful if you can arrange an interview so that I can explain my qualifications further. My contact number is "XXX" and I can be reached at any time. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Thank you for your consideration.
Yours sincerely,

回答 (3)

2012-06-19 1:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
Dear Sir / Madam,

Application for the Post of XXX (Ref: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)

With reference to your advertisement in "XXX" on "DATE", I am writing to apply for the post of "XXX".

Having graduated from "XXX School" majoring in Diploma in "XXX". I possess more than 2 years' experience in "XXX" and a strong sense of responsibility and independence. I am proficient in using Microsoft Word, Excel, Power Point and other softwares . I also familiarise myself with the way of directing marketing departments and projects as well as communicating and working with various vendors . (The original sentence does not show your sincerity but a statement about your (current/past) job in my opinion.) Enclosed please find the resume with my personal particulars.

I would be grateful if you arrange an interview so that I can explain my qualifications further. For more details,please feel free to contact me at (contact number). I look forward to your favourable reply.Thank you for your consideration and attention in advance .

Yours faithfully ,
參考: Me
2012-06-19 11:38 pm
Dear Sir/Madam,

Application for the Post of XXX (Ref: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)

With the reference on the advertisement in "XXX" at "DATE", I am writing regarding to the position of "XXX".

I had been graduated from "XXX School" majoring in "XXX" with a Diploma in "XXX".
I possess with more than 2 years of experience in "XXX".
I am proficient on the use of Microsoft Word, Excel, Power Point, etc.
My position also requires direct marketing, projects (managing), as well as communicating and working directly with various vendors.

I am very reliable and independent, regarding my work. (可能不同meaning)

I have enclosed/(attached) my following resume, which gives the details of my personal particulars.

It would be grateful, if interview can be arranged, so I can explain regarding my qualification(s) further with you.
My contact number is "XXX" and I can be reached (touched) at any time.
I am looking forward to hear from you.

Thank you for your consideration and your time.

Yours sincerely,
2012-06-19 12:24 am
Dear Sir/Madam,

Application for the Post of XXX (Ref: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)

With the reference on the advertisement in "XXX" at "DATE", I am writing regarding to the position of "XXX".

I had been graduated from "XXX School" majoring in "XXX" with a Diploma in "XXX".
I possess with more than 2 years of experience in "XXX".
I am proficient on the use of Microsoft Word, Excel, Power Point, etc.
My position also requires direct marketing, projects (managing), as well as communicating and working directly with various vendors.

I am very reliable and independent, regarding my work. (可能不同meaning)

I have enclosed/(attached) my following resume, which gives the details of my personal particulars.

It would be grateful, if interview can be arranged, so I can explain regarding my qualification(s) further with you.
My contact number is "XXX" and I can be reached (touched) at any time.
I am looking forward to hear from you.

Thank you for your consideration and your time.

Yours sincerely,

2012-06-18 16:31:20 補充:
I had graduated**** not had been
參考: myself

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