
2012-06-19 4:38 am
有一個人經過熱鬧的火車站前,看到一個雙腿殘障的人擺設鉛筆小攤, 他漫不經心的丟下了一百元,當做施捨。

但是走了不久,這人又回來了, 他抱歉的對這殘障者說: 「不好意思,你是一個生意人,我竟然把你當成一個乞丐。」

「我一直期待你的出現,」那個殘障的人說, 「你是第一個把我當成生意人看待的人,你看,我現在是一個真正的生意人了。」

回答 (4)

2012-06-20 1:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
A man walked by a bustling train station and saw a pencil stall set by a legs-disabled man.
He dropped a hundred-dollar bill to the man out of charity without paying attention.

But he came back soon after he step away and apologized to the disabled man :"I am sorry,you are a bussiness man but I treated you as a bagger."

The man walked by the train station after a certain period of time and was stopped by an smilling store owner infront of the store.

"I have been waiting for your appearance," said the disabled man,"You are the first one who treat me as a bussiness man, look! I am a real bussiness man now ! "

2012-06-19 17:04:58 補充:
beggar錯 打成bagger~~~~
參考: A-HA
2013-07-27 7:02 pm
2012-06-20 7:11 am
有一個人經過熱鬧的火車站前,看到一個雙腿殘障的人擺設鉛筆小攤, 他漫不經心的丟下了一百元,當做施捨。
Passing a hustling and bustling train station, a man spotted a vendor with handicapped legs selling pencils. Out of nothing else but reflex he just left 100 dollars as charity.
但是走了不久,這人又回來了, 他抱歉的對這殘障者說: 「不好意思,你是一個生意人,我竟然把你當成一個乞丐。」
It's not long, however, before he returned to apologize to the vendor, "It was really rude of me to have treated you as a beggar, when you are a businessman."
Some time later, he happened to pass the station again, when a shopkeeper hailed him with a smile at the door.
「我一直期待你的出現,」那個殘障的人說, 「你是第一個把我當成生意人看待的人,你看,我現在是一個真正的生意人了。」
"I've been expecting you," said the handicapped. "You were the first to treat me like a businessman, which I am now to my fingertips."
2012-06-19 4:42 am
A lively front of the train station and saw a legs-disabled people furnishings pencil stall, he casually dropped a $ 100, as a charity.

But gone long before this man came back, he apologized to this disability, said: "Excuse me, you are a businessman, I turned to you as a beggar."

After some time, he once again after the train station, a store boss smiling at the door stopped him.
"I always look forward to your appearance, that disabled people say," You are the first I regarded as a businessman, you see, I am now a real businessman. "
參考: Gooooooooooooooooooooooogle翻的

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