This is a touchy subject, but here goes.?

2012-06-18 4:59 am
I live in San Marcos, Texas and in the 3 years I've been here, I've seen more racist people than the other 30 years anywhere else. My question is, why do SOME hispanic hate black? I feel your n the same boat we are. The fact that they are closer in color to white doesn't change anything! I go to the bank, there hating. I go to the pac-n-sac, they hating. Trust me, I don't like the ghetto blacks, but it's no reason to hate on us all. It's like if they hate hard enough, we'll all disappear! Black and hispanic have alot in common, but want to act as though we don't. What's up with that?

回答 (5)

2012-06-18 5:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
I don't know... I really don't. I do agree we do share some same qualities like how some hispanic and blacks can have really classy parents and if you misbehave they would probably smack you upside the head like mine lol. Then, there are some that aren't so classy and I think those are the ones that clash with each other. We should all just get along no matter what ethnicity we are.
參考: I'm hispanic
2012-06-18 12:02 pm
Pretty sure its just a common stereotype that varies from individual. I've lived in several different places and can tell you that blacks and hispanics hang out and are friends all the time, and some times they don't like each other at all. Just depends on the person.
2012-06-18 12:09 pm
I think in some places at least (this is from my sociology classes not my opinion) that the "lighter" you are the "better". My friend in Chicago is very dark and is Afro-Hispanic. He will get African-American's being mean to him cause he speaks Spanish and Spanish people will "reject" the fact that he is carribbean. It is so stupid. We are all one people.
2012-06-18 12:07 pm
I think a person is what they make themselves to be....For instance, around where I live, Hispanics work from dawn to dusk, it seems. The blacks...not so much. But I do know of an exception. I know a Black man who works himself slap tired loading eight ft long logs in the back of his pickup truck by hand, then he takes it to a local sawmill to sell. So, like I said before, a person is what they make of themselves, no matter what color.
2012-06-18 12:02 pm
Idk Im afro latino (black and mexican)

but my dad refers to my mom (who I hate so much) the black woman., or ur black mother

so IDK!

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