Travelling with COPD/emphysema?

2012-06-17 7:49 pm
My 83 year old mother in law left hospital a few days ago after being admitted for a COPD exacerbation. She is still very breathless and is on oxygen, but is determined that she and her husband will not cancel their caravan holiday (at least a 4 hour drive each way). She is very breathless still and is on portable oxygen. Her husband will do the driving and she has a mobility scooter. We are worried about the trip, but wondered if we are being over-protective. Does anyone have any personal experience of travelling so soon after a COPD exacerbation?

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2012-06-18 11:33 pm
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I have it and both of my parents died of it. I can't imagine a woman her age with this disease at the oxygen stage wanting to or having enough energy to go on a trip. I'd be worried, but she may be thinking that she won't have an opportunity to make this trip if she doesn't do it right now. Nothing can stop you from worrying, . I was totally over protective of my mom, I kept having to remind myself that she needed MAXIMUM dignity whether I worried or not. Telling a grown woman that she doesn't have good enough judgment to make this decision would not be maximum dignity.

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