
2012-06-18 1:49 am
我今年中五, 下年三月就考文憑試
中二入學校管樂團, 因為當時有6年笛子+西洋樂理底子, 中三果年考左ABRSM五級...果時有distinction, 同時有吹短笛
本來今年可以考8級.. 但係同學校test撞左先無考
我E+吹果支係學校笛.. yamaha F110(?) 係絕左版GE笛...

其實我師姐同埋長笛老師都叫我買D二萬幾GE笛, 但係屋企無$
唸住買支yamaha 5/6字頭 8千幾蚊GE笛
講真, 我唔知自己入左大學仲會唔會吹.. 因為到時如果讀醫(我預計應該係) 或者藥劑(少D機會) 可能會完全無時間吹?
同埋, 如果只係當消遣, 8千幾會唔會太貴? 如果當搵食工具(part-time教笛)呢?



如無意外, 我無機會有仔女XDD 另外我想問.. 二手長笛會唔會有人買? 如果我唔吹, 8千幾賣到6/7千幾你地覺得會唔會有人買呢?

回答 (4)

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btw, yamaha 5/6字頭 幾乎二萬蚊 wor... not 8千幾蚊 ga

8千--1萬幾會唔會太貴 ( I think) really quite reasonable

我認為你甚至可以買原價約20000-30000的長笛 ga :o)

例如,我之前有$20000 budget,但最後我買了原價約$50000二手長笛,優良的品質

我覺得二手好arm 你你真的可以考慮一下 ga

可以在您的預算之內出售,可以試左先, 好arm 你 ga!

btw, 二手長笛會有人買!!!8千幾賣到6/7千幾你地覺得會有人買 la (assume the flute is very new haha)

contact me if you are interested la 92379357 , i am Kit :o)

btw, 好開心認識到你, Let's be flute friends together , ok? call me la xdd
Thanks ar (actually I am Form 4 only)

2012-06-25 19:11:29 補充:
add me fb la, msg me wor
參考: contact no. 92379357一個為音樂而瘋狂的人[email protected], yeah!
2012-06-19 10:24 pm
i suggest u to buy a second hand flute, cos u may not have lost or even have some earn while to trade out for the flute.

u may refere to: http://hk.user.auctions.yahoo.com/hk/show/auctions?userID=reduce.waste&u=:reduce.waste&clf=3

i suggest u may choice: Armstrong 104 Flute (長笛) Made in USA

cos the flute have better sound quality then F-100SII (your school's flute), actually, the F100SII have better sound quliaty than the updated model 221 or 211 which made in china.

or u also can choice 罕有 90% New Yamaha 211 Flute 長笛 with splite E mechanism (Made in Japan) ~ 不少老師推介, cos that is a made in japan one, the head joint cutting is similar of your F100SII. (better than the updated 221 or 211 which made in china)

i suggest u can buy Armstrong 104 is ok, cos your flute have not E mechanism now, i guess u no need it la! that may save $$ ma!

surly, u can buy some upgrade model. i already have some better flute, if u wanna, u may contact me!

and i dun thinks about 20% less of the orginal price u can sale out your second hand flute. cos most of my second hand flute is just only about 50-60% of the orginial price la! but if u can keep the flute conidition good for the second hand flute, u may sale out for the same or even higher price la! right?

my mail: [email protected]

thx! ^_^
2012-06-18 6:08 am
2012-06-18 2:15 am
hope i can help you!
參考: me

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