加拿大直系親屬移民 大學學費

2012-06-17 3:06 am

回答 (3)

2012-06-17 5:08 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. Local resident.

In term of defining international students, colleges and universities will use a principal that if a visa or permit is needed, international student fee will apply.

2. In most of the case, you will not qualified to immigrating to Canada by relationship.

Citizenship and Immigration Canada has specified the kinds of relationship that can be qualified for immigration.

Since you are asking for university tuition, your age would not be higher than 20 years old. In this case, the only sponsor who can be possibly qualified to sponsor you is either spouse or same-sex partner.

It is unlikely that your parents will be your sponsor (unless they are re-married and become a Canadian citizen or permanent resident).

2012-06-20 5:43 pm
加拿大當地居民 比既大學學費遠低過海外留學生係因為當地居民有納稅俾加拿大政府, 對加拿大有貢獻 , 所以佢地 可以享受加拿大政府對當地居民 嘅低學費 福利 。
2012-06-17 3:21 am

Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) knows it is important to help families who come from other countries to reunite in Canada. If you are a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident of Canada, you can sponsor your spouse, common-law partner, conjugal partner, dependent child (including adopted child) or other eligible relative to become a permanent resident.

CIC refers to the immigrants who are eligible to use this family sponsoring process as the Family Class.

If you become a permanent resident, you can live, study and work in Canada.

When you arrive in Canada as a permanent resident, you must make every reasonable effort to provide for your own essential needs and those of your family.

If you sponsor a relative to come to Canada as a permanent resident, you are responsible for supporting your relative financially when he or she arrives. As a sponsor, you must make sure your spouse or relative does not need to seek financial assistance from the government.

The process to sponsor your family begins when you, as a citizen or permanent resident in Canada, apply to be a sponsor.

There are two different processes for sponsoring your family. One process is used for sponsoring your spouse, conjugal or common-law partner and/or dependent children. Another process is used to sponsor other eligible relatives.

收錄日期: 2021-04-29 22:31:25
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