
2012-06-15 12:44 am

Dear Quentin,



回答 (5)

2012-06-15 1:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
Dear Quentin,



Dear Quentin,

You will remember that in middle April we sent at your request a xxx
machine to the recipient Mr. JASON in Japan, which please refer to
the attached Airway Bill copy, DHL statement of account along with
our Invoice.

Kindly pass over the issue to your Accounting Department, explain
the cause, and help demand payment in our favor.

We would highly appreciate your advising us of the scheduled wire
transfer to enable our timely checkup.

Best regards,

Xxxx Xxxx

2012-06-15 16:36:05 補充:
Haha.... I don't think he will sell the machine this way again, ever.

2012-06-16 13:12:05 補充:
在中國文學區與我有嫌隙, 刻意來吐糟的mancheung, 看來英文要好好加強了. 你所提到的幾點, 本人並無錯誤, 你會有不解是你學藝不精所致
自己加加油吧, 恕我不在這裡教你了.

2012-06-16 13:54:22 補充:
To Mancheung
商業書信與社交書信是不同的, 它講求精練扼要達意, 你在回答區所寫的略嫌too wordy, 那是社交書信的寫法. 此外, 你的有些用字不很適當:
1. 快遞或空運業的提單並不稱為bill of lading, 而是airway bill.
2. 方向不對, 尚未付款, 何來why the payment is incurred?
3. "Your assistance....is appreciated"與"Thank you for your kind assistance"語意重複.

2012-06-18 15:22:11 補充:
Mancheung洋洋灑灑對敝人的一封商業信函說了一大堆, 意在挑釁, 司馬昭之心路人皆知, 所言極度自以為是又外帶嘲笑譏諷, 真的可以說是既無知又傲慢. 看來還是讓我逐一來敎一敎你吧!

Mancheung第一個錯誤觀念, 是把發問內容當做翻譯題. 「不確定您是否還有印象」是社交書信才會有的措辭, 商業書信不會用這樣的模糊語氣, 尤其是一封收帳的信函, 要幫助發問者, 不應逕譯之, 而要用標準寫法: You will remember + that子句.

2012-06-18 15:23:28 補充:
pass over可以試片語動詞, 也可以是pass與over的本義.
「不理會;忽略」是pass over的注釋之ㄧ, 它的五個注釋包含「轉交,轉移」
參閱: http://www.nciku.com.tw/search/ee/detail/pass%20over/1773010

help (to) demand payment 文法是正確的, help後面的不定詞可以省略to.
help (to) request payment, help (to) apply for payment等也都正確

2012-06-18 15:24:28 補充:
為爭取時效, 國際快遞95%以上都採用航空遞送, 本函中台灣至日本的DHL遞送絕對是航空遞送. DHL早年的運送單據是Airway Bill (簡稱AWB), 後來因為部分地區(例如海島)飛機不到, 故現今的運送單據是Shipment Waybill (簡稱SWB). 不論如何, DHL沒有Bill of Lading (B/L)這樣的文件, 因為B/L是有價證券(等同貨物價值), 提貨必須用它; 而DHL所用的AWB或SWB只是Tracking Note(追蹤單)性質, 不需用它來提貨.

2012-06-18 15:26:45 補充:
explain why payment is incurred
DHL的帳款是本次請款的事由, 本函請款是我方與對方之間的事, 方向不同, 正要請對方向其會計部說明請款事由, 尚未到payment程序,應是explain how the bill/debt is incurred才正確.

2012-06-18 15:27:06 補充:
"Your assistance...is appreciated"與"Thank you for your kind assistance"語意重複.
在不同段落都要謝一次? Mancheung你在玩繞口令嗎?
商業信函注重精簡, 同一信函不但要避免重複的語句, 而且整體言謝即可, 不必每一段都道謝.
參考: Infinito - 國際貿易專業實務經驗
2012-06-16 7:01 pm
I wonder if you could remember that we sent a machine to Japan in mid-April at your request? The recipient was Jason. Attached please find a copy of the bill of lading, together with the statement of account from DHL and our invoice. Would you please pass the relevant documents to your Accounts Department and explain why the payment was incurred? Your assistance in submitting the payment request on our behalf is highly appreciated.

Please advise us the expected date of remittance to enable us for payment checking. Thank you for your kind assistance.

2012-06-16 12:03:52 補充:
無極大所譯之英文, 余實在有數點不明之處:

1."You will remember "

2012-06-16 12:04:13 補充:
2."Kindly pass over the issue to your Accounting Department...."

pass sb/sth over
Definition: to ignore or not give attention to someone or something (意指不需理會)
pass 並不等同 pass over, 兩碼子事)

2012-06-16 12:04:28 補充:
3. "and help demand payment in our favor"

help demand payment 是什麽文法??? 不懂!

2012-06-18 10:33:25 補充:

閣下所言:「刻意來吐糟的mancheung」。請問余所言有那點是「吐糟」? 有那點是錯?

- 「不確定您是否還有印象」譯作"you will remember" 是詞不達意。
- "Kindly pass over the issue to your Accounting Department...." 「pass over 」 解「不需理會」或「忽略」, 並不等同 pass 「傳遞; 傳達」。意見005已提供 cambridge dictionaries online 讓你查閱。

2012-06-18 10:36:44 補充:
- "help demand payment" 是錯誤文法, 屬Chinglish (中式英文)而已。

無極大所言:「本人並無錯誤」, 竟然能這樣說, 一是厚顏, 一是無知, 也不知閣下屬前者或後者?

閣下所言「恕我不在這裡教你了」, 余哪有興趣學閣下之 Chinglish?

2012-06-18 10:45:04 補充:

閣下所言:「商業書信與社交書信是不同的, 它講求精練扼要達意...」

"You will remember " 解「不確定您是否還有印象」?
."Kindly pass over the issue to your Accounting Department...." pass over 解 「傳遞; 傳達」?
"and help demand payment in our favor" 解「幫我們請款」?

這些叫「精練扼要達意」, 别笑死人吧?
這些叫 Chinglish 才對。

2012-06-18 11:14:21 補充:
無極大意見008 所言: 「快遞或空運業的提單並不稱為bill of lading, 而是airway bill」

敢問無極大, 求譯之內容, 有哪隻字提及此貨是經「空運」至日本?
經DHL 走貨並不一定要走「空運」, DHL 亦有走「海運」, 用airway bill 去譯「提單」, 是閣下一廂情願之想法而已。

2012-06-18 11:38:11 補充:
無極大意見008 所言: 「方向不對, 尚未付款, 何來why the payment is incurred?」

敢問無極大大, 「DHL對帳明細」這筆賬是否已產生了? 發信人要附上 DHL之「對帳明細」, 加上自家公司之 invoice 作請款要求, 這托運費肯定已產生了, DHL 才會有「對帳明細」向托運人收錢。

2012-06-18 11:38:20 補充:
因托運人是應别家公司要求代付運, 現行需向原公司請款, 余用 Would you please pass the relevant documents to your Accounts Department and explain why the payment is incurred 有什麽問題呢?

2012-06-18 11:48:45 補充:
無極大意見008 所言: "Your assistance....is appreciated"與"Thank you for your kind assistance"語意重複.

前者是多謝人協助交單至會計部請款, 並解釋理由。

前者及後者是兩個段落, 何來語意重複???

無極大大别再老是東拉西扯, 廻避余所提之意見, 企圖轉移視線, 混淆視聽吧!
2012-06-15 8:06 pm
what kind of machine you guys sell? I would also like to buy some on credit.
2012-06-15 4:55 pm
Dear Quentin,
Are not sure whether you also have the impression, in mid-April, we help you send out a machine to Japan, the recipient name was JASON, annexes a copy of Bill of lading, DHL on our INVOICE and account details, could you help please forward to your accounting department, help us explaining the reason for this amount, and help us please.
Please help inform your scheduled transfer day so that our accounts in the future, thank you for your help!
2012-06-15 5:40 am
I can always smell trouble in shipment without purchase order, especially the ones with different receivers.

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