
2012-06-14 1:48 am
我公司剛買了新物業自用, 想問一下如何做accounting entry.

For example,
新物業買入價 $3,000,000
銀行按揭 $1,500,000 (分10年攤還, 每月供款$16,250)

Accounting Entry:
Cost of the property (是否如下?)
Dr New Property $3,000,000
Cr Bank $1,500,000 - pay 50% deposit
Cr Mortgage Bank $1,500,000 - 50% balance by mortgage due to bank

是否要將每月供款$16,250 x 120個月=$1,950,000入帳, 應如何寫entry?

每月供款之$16,250之accounting entry如何寫?
Dr ???
Cr Bank

請各位幫忙, 謝謝.

回答 (3)

2012-06-17 4:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
我公司剛買了新物業自用, 想問一下如何做accounting entry. 這只是筆者的回應和建議, 僅可作為參考的意見。 For example, 新物業買入價 $3,000,000銀行按揭 $1,500,000 (分10年攤還, 每月供款$16,250)Accounting Entry:Cost of the property (是否如下?)Dr New Property $3,000,000Cr Bank $1,500,000 - pay 50% depositCr Mortgage Bank $1,500,000 - 50% balance by mortgage due to bank答: 是正確的。我們習慣是這樣入帳的。 Fixed Asset – Land and building ..$3,000,000 Bank a/c…………………………$1,500,000 Long-term mortgage loan………..$1,500,000是否要將每月供款$16,250 x 120個月=$1,950,000入帳, 應如何寫entry? 答: 已知物業的貸款額為$1,500,000。 假設借貸年息率為4厘, 那麼, 未來1年的利息費用為$60,000 ($1,500,000 x 4%), 即每月利息費用為$5,000 ($60,000 /12)。 每月供款之$16,250之accounting entry如何寫? 答: 建議如下: Long-term mortgage loan…………$11,250Long-term mortgage loan-interest….$5,000 Bank a/c………………………………….$16,250溫馨提示: 沒忘記每月月底時, 把樓宇的折舊攤分入帳。做折舊時, 請留意, 土地是不用作折舊的處理, 樓宇建築則需要。以$3,000,000的購置成本為例, 假如土地是$1,200,000, 其他$1,800,000 是建築的成本, 以標準50年的折舊年期為例, 1個月的建築折舊費用為$3,000 ($1,800,000 /50 x 12)
參考: 小魚槍手
2012-06-15 5:43 am
Co's full name

新物業買入價 $3,000,000
銀行按揭 $1,500,000 (分10年攤還, 每月供款$16,250)

Dr: Property $3,000,000
Cr: Bank $3,000,000

Dr: Cash $1,500,000
Cr: Bank mortgage $1,500,000

每月供款之$16,250之accounting entry如何寫?

Dr: Bank mortgage (1 year) $150,000
Mortgage interest (1 year) $45,000
($16250x12 - 1,500,000/10)
Cr: Cash $195,000

Dr: Profit and loss account $45,000
Cr: Mortgage interest $45,000
參考: 朗文會計學原理(第2版)
2012-06-14 4:14 am
買樓entry基本上沒錯, 但mortgage bank改為Loan from Bank/Bank Mortgage Loan會好點. 有些資本性開支(例如: 買樓印花稅、法律費用、佣金等)亦要計入物業價錢裡.

1, Dr: Loan from Bank/Bank Mortgage Loan $XXXXX (睇返銀行比你的 分期供款表)
Dr: Bank installment loan interest $XXXXX (睇返銀行比你的分期供款表)
Cr: Bank

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