中和作用問題 (20分)

2012-06-13 4:24 am



2. 中和作用的product是不是一定是鹽和水?有否product無水的中和作用?
3. 請看以下的reaction:


為甚麼NH3(g) 同 HCI(g) 沒有水使其電離,它們都可以有reaction?



回答 (6)

2012-06-21 11:36 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. In Brønsted-Lowry definitions, acid is proton (H+) donor in reaction. Base is a proton (H+)acceptor in Reaction. Neutalization is a chemical reaction in which an acid and a base react to form a salt. *Water is frequently, but not necessarily.

A non-metal oxide is not an acid but it is acidic. Because it cannot donate H+ in reaction. Consider CO2, it can reaction with 2NaOH to form Na2CO3 and H2O. But actually it needs to react with water to form H2CO3(aq) first.

In the reaction, the H+ donor is H2CO3(aq), but not CO2. Thus, we can say the reaction between NaOH and H2CO3 a neutralization reaction. But it's not very correct to say the reaction 2NaOH+CO2-->N2CO3+H2O a neutralization reaction.

2. I have answer you in question no.1. Neutalization is a chemical reaction in which an acid and a base react to form a salt. Water is frequently, but not necessarily.

3. In the reaction, HCI(g) is a H+ donor. It donates H+ and become Cl-. NH3(g) is the H+ acceptor. It accepts H+ and become NH4+, Then NH4+ and Cl- form NH4Cl(s).

HCl is an acid (H+ donor), NH3 is a base (H+ acceptor). The reaction between them is an acid base reaction, forming the salt NH4Cl. Thus this reaction is a nuetralization reaction.
參考: myself
2012-06-19 4:46 am
參考: me
2012-06-14 2:57 am
ph-N(CH3)2 + anhydrous AlCl3 --> ph-N(->AlCl3)(CH3)2
Do you consider this a knid of neutralisation?
This can be considered a kind of Neutralisation according to Lewis acid-base theory.

2012-06-13 19:00:32 補充:
酸+鹼 可以出到其他嘢而不是鹽+水
酸+鹼-->鹽+水 只是其中一種酸鹼理論(Arrhenius definition)
其他如Lewis, Brønsted–Lowry都係出名嘅理論,但佢哋嘅定義都唔係以上咁!
2012-06-13 6:48 am
It depends on what non-metal oxides it is.
Some non-metal oxides like CO2, NO2, SO2 are acidic.
They form acids in water.
CO2 + H2O --> H2CO3
2NO2 + H2O --> HNO2 + HNO3
SO2 + H2O --> H2SO3

Take CO2 and NaOH as an example.
2NaOH + CO2 + H2O --> Na2CO3 + 2H2O
(by cancelling out the H2O on the reactant side)
2NaOH + CO2 --> Na2CO3 + H2O
This is a neutralization reaction.

Neutralization must and only form two products: H2O and Salt.
There is no exceptional case.
(for NH3 please see no. 3)

NH3 reacts with H2O to ionize to form OH-
NH3 + H2O <--> NH4+ + OH-

NH4+ + OH-+ HCl --> NH4Cl + H2O
NH3 + H2O + HCl --> NH4Cl + H2O
NH3 + HCl --> NH4Cl
the above 3 equations are all identical, and we usually write the last one.
參考: Victor
2012-06-13 4:55 am
1. 不是
中和作用是指: acid + base --> salt + water
ammonia + hydrochloric acid ---> ammonium chloride
空氣中好像有水份? (這個我真的不太清楚@@)
2012-06-13 4:54 am



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