Google Translate Accuracy

2012-06-13 12:23 am
Compared with English to Chinese translation, how accurate is the Korean translation from English on Google Translate?

How many per cents better/worse is it?
(I mean the accuracy in translating sentences with common words.)

Do not answer if you don't know Korean.


回答 (4)

2012-06-14 4:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
Google translation from English to Korean
=> 0% better
=> 100% worse
It is because Korean and English have different sentence structure +
Even worse is that for sentence of the same meaning, Korean has different form of word/sentence pattern which you cannot use the other way round, and Google cannot translate it into the correct form.For example:
"I am a Chinese living in Hong Kong" translated by Google is
"전 홍콩에서 중국의 생활이다"
meaning "I am [Chinese life] in Hong Kong"/"我是在香港的中國生活".
=> "我是...生活"=> This is fundamentally wrong!!
2016-07-18 6:40 am
2016-02-13 10:39 pm
2015-12-11 10:51 pm

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