
2012-06-11 10:01 pm
She was as patient a teacher as anyone could have had.

後半部 anyone could have had 是甚麼意思?
anyone could have had 後面省略了甚麼?

回答 (6)

2012-06-29 12:49 am
She was as patient a teacher as one that anyone could have had.
2012-06-13 9:15 pm
"could have + past participle" means something was a possibility in the past, but did not actually happen.

She was as patient a teacher as anyone could have had.

The second "as" in the sentence functions very similar to the relative pronoun in the relative clause.
= She was such a patient teacher as anyone could have had.

My interpretation of this sentence is:

Anyone could have had such a patient teacher as her.

However, as a matter of fact, everyone missed the chance of having her as their teacher.

2012-06-13 13:20:09 補充:
anyone could have had 後面省略了甚麼?

"a teacher (as patient as her)"
2012-06-13 8:54 pm
The sentence ends with "have had", and not "have been" because the "object" it refers to is "a teacher", and not "anyone".

I agree with Jenkin, nothing has been omitted. In this sentence structure, the object "a teacher" is not missing, it is simply placed in front of the verb.
subject = anyone
verb = could have had
object = a teacher

The meaning of "anyone could have had" is:

When used with "as patient a teacher as", the whole sentence means::


2012-06-13 13:03:48 補充:
參考: my past learning
2012-06-12 3:24 am
反駁001 :

我認為001所言十分荒謬,have是及物動詞,所以anyone could have had 後面一定省略了個賓語,至於那個賓語是甚麼呢?這正是我的疑問

2012-06-12 1:50 am
could + have +過去分詞 的用法有很多,但其中之一與may have + 過去分詞,或might + have + 過去分詞相同,是表達 對過去事情之推測,如:

She could have taken the earlier train.
她也許乘搭了早前班次的火車。Simon could have told her. 西門也許告訴她了。 They could have overheard what we said 他們也許偷聽了我們的說話。所以,
anyone could have had,也是表示說話的人,對往時anyone的耐性的推測:


She was as patient a teacher as anyone could have had.



2012-06-11 18:22:59 補充:
對不起,忘記答你有關"anyone could have had"而不是"anyone could have been"


anyone could have been與anyone could have had意思是不同的

anyone could have been是指任何人所能有的耐性而言

而anyone could have had是指 任何人可以擁有這樣耐性的老師而言


2012-06-12 12:15 am
試先由你的問題回答,再整體解答: 為何句尾用had,而不用been?因為have had是have(動詞:意思是「有」)的present perfect tense形態,意思是指前述她作為教師應「有」的耐性(patient)[adj.形容詞]。由於不是比較一個人的地位或身份或狀況,這裏比較的是所擁有的氣質/性格等無形之物,所以不是…as…as…can be或have been.
後半部 anyone could have had 是甚麼意思?任何人(這裏亦可狹意指其他任何一位教師)應該可以做到擁有的「耐性」。
anyone could have had 後面省略了甚麼?沒有東西省略。因為這句格式是as…as…所以後半部的結束一般都是以一個動詞結束的。 She was as patient a teacher as anyone could have had.意思:她作為一個教師所擁有的耐性已是無人能及的了。[這是中文的寫法,不是按字轉譯] 如果按字解的話:她是個很有耐性的教師,任何人擁有如此耐性已是極限了。

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