
2012-06-11 9:44 pm
Because I criticized the painting, I knew I would offend her. = In criticizing the painting, I knew I would offend her.

但 Because I had a good deal of money, I bought the house. 可否寫成 In having a good deal of money, I bought the house. ?

回答 (2)

2012-06-13 3:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
in =while doing something; while something is happening 做…. 時; …發生時….; 當……時e.g. Inattempting to save the child from drowning, she nearly lost her own life = While attempting to save the child fromdrowning, she nearly lost her own life.= 她在搶救遇溺的兒童時,自已差點喪命。e.g. Inall the commotion I forgot to tell him the news.在一陣混亂之中我忘了告訴他那個消息。 in that= for the reason that; because 原因是; 因為e.g. Shewas fortunate in that she had friends to help her.in ≠ becauseIncriticizing her painting, I know I would offend her. = When/ While criticizingher painting, I knew I would offend her.在我批評她的畫時,我知會冒犯她的。Presentparticiple 可用來表示因果關係Having agood deal of money, I bought the house. = As I have a good deal of money, I bought thehouse. (因為……所以)Because I had a good deal of money, I bought the house. 可否寫成 In having a good deal of money, I bought the house. ?No,
Youcannot use “in” in this sentence.
You cannot use “in” in this sentence.
參考: Oxford Advanced learner's dictionary
2012-06-12 12:48 am
Because I criticized the painting, I knew I would offend her. = In criticizing the painting, I knew I would offend her.其實不太相同的,第一句句式的因果關係是記述(過去式),但改用in verb-ing,的因果關係則變為現在式,但後句卻用了past tense. 除了上述類同的理由Because I had a good deal of money, I bought the house. 原意是我先有了很多money,才買了這房子(「了」有時可以作為中文的過去式用詞)如寫 In having a good deal of money, I bought the house.時間上便沒有了「我先有了錢」,in having只能表達現有狀況,所以意思可以是你一直都是有錢,便買了這房子。意義上並沒有時間性或因果性。

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