baby car seat 可以帶上飛機嗎

2012-06-11 6:13 pm
請問baby car seat 可以帶上飛機嗎

回答 (3)

2012-06-11 7:09 pm
✔ 最佳答案
可以的... 根據國泰航空公司的網頁資料

當您陪同小童或嬰兒乘機時,可免費攜帶以下物件登機: 一張認可的嬰兒汽車安全座椅 一小袋嬰兒食品及尿片(供航程中使用) 一部可摺合(雨傘型)的嬰兒手推車(視乎機艙貯物格空間而定)

不過強原建議你致電有關航空公司, 因為每間航空公司的規例不同, 而不同型號的飛機也可能有不同的規例的.
2012-06-11 8:37 pm
The real answer is it depends on:

1. Which airlines you are traveling with

2. The detail of the infant ticket

Usually, regardless which airlines you choose, you can bring the car seat only if the infant has a seat-occupying ticket.

Otherwise, you can check the seat as checked baggage (additional fee may apply).
2012-06-11 6:53 pm

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