
2012-06-09 7:15 am

There has been a great deal of argument as to whom should get the prize money.

明顯Whom 是should get the prize money的主語,但根據文法whom 應用在賓語位置,何解能用在主語位置? 是否用who才正確?

回答 (5)

2012-06-11 4:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
There has been a great deal of argument as to whom should get the prize money.

因為 a great deal of argument 是主語.
There 是介紹性的詞=introductory word. "There"在此不是主語.

as to........=是preposition =関於(他whom)......的.(as adj phrase.)

=該處存在著一個 ( as adj =有関佢(Ob)應該獲得那獎金的) 爭議.

參考: 本人
2012-06-14 6:51 pm
There has been a great deal of argument as to whom should get the prize money. 來自文法課本,它說 whom比who 正式,並非我自圓其說。
2012-06-13 5:19 am
Who or whom - three “easy-to-use” rules so you'll always get it correct:

Rule #1: Substitute “he/him” or “she/her”: If it's either “he” or “she,” then it's “who;” if it's “him” or “her,” then it's “whom.”

2012-06-12 21:21:34 補充:
Rule #2: Every verb with a tense in a sentence must have a subject. And that word is always in the nominative case, so it's “who.

2012-06-12 21:22:16 補充:
Rule #3: Give it a sincere and honest effort to determine if it's “who” or “whom.” If it takes more than a 30 seconds to figure it out, pick the one that sounds best to the ear (read it aloud) and move on. Why? Because even grammarians are likely to squabble over which to use.

2012-06-12 21:22:28 補充:
But always — always — apply rules #1 and #2 before using Rule #3.

2012-06-12 21:26:55 補充:
Rule 1:he/she should get the prize money>who should get...
R.2: "should get."must have a subject>who
R.3:"whom should get the prize money"-does not sound good to the ear.

2012-06-12 21:31:57 補充:
Who is correct.
Yes, though it may depend on whom you ask!
2012-06-09 10:21 pm
"as to" is an idiometic expression, equivalent to "as regards", used as conjunction to mean "concerning".

Yes, you're absolutely right. The argument is about "who should get the prize money?".


2012-06-09 14:21:23 補充:
"as to" is an idiometic expression, equivalent to "as regards", used as conjunction to mean "concerning".

Yes, you're absolutely right. The argument is about "who should get the prize money?".

2012-06-09 8:41 pm
Was He Often Mad ?
參考: 基本法23所适用於334奉書生粵類886語文翻譯

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