
2012-06-09 6:12 am

in details please, thanks

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2012-06-10 1:57 am
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Connective and Conjunction
分別 :

A connective is a word or phrase that links clauses or sentences.
A conjunction is used to link clauses within a sentence.
Conjunctions have the job of joining two ideas in one sentence whereas the other connectives join the ideas in one sentence to the ideas in a previous sentence or paragraph.
In details:
Connectives can be conjunctions (eg but, when, because) or connecting adverbs (eg however, then, therefore).
Examples of conjunctions:
and but so if when
after as since before although
unless provided that because as long as apart from while or until whilst whereas even ifwhether or not wheneverso thateven though

Conjunctions often occur in the middle of a sentence. However, most of them can be rearranged to the beginning of a sentence.
I went home because I was scared.

Because I was scared, I went home.

The man left although he did not want to.
Although he did not want to, the man left.

And, but or and so are coordinating conjunctions. As a general rule this means they should not be used at the beginning of a sentence unless it is to achieve a particular effect.

Examples of Subordinating connectives or subordinating conjunctions :
Therefore However Also As well as
Moreover Furthermore Firstly Secondly Thirdly Finally Eventually Then Next Later Above all In particular Especially Significantly Indeed Notably Meanwhile Afterwards Likewise Similarly AlternativelyOtherwise For example In addition ConsequentlyIn conclusionTo summarise As a result Nevertheless On the other hand
Despite this On the contrary As already stated

Connectives that maintain the cohesion of a text in several basic ways:
addition - also, furthermore, moreover
opposition - however, nevertheless, on the other hand
reinforcing - besides, anyway, after all
explaining - for example, in other words, that is to say
listing - first(ly), first of all, finally
indicating result - therefore, consequently, as a result
indicating time - just then, meanwhile, later

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