Phy (energy-jet fighter)

2012-06-09 3:01 am
A jet fighter has to accelerate to a velocity of 80m/s from rest within a distance of 100m during take-off.

Mass of jet fighter : 20000kg
Engines produce thrust : 90000N

If the jet fighter is assisted by a catapult, it can reach 80m/s in 2s.

What is the energy provided by the engines?

What is the energy provided by the catapult?

回答 (1)

2012-06-09 4:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
What is the energy provided by the engines?

Energy provide by engine = 90000 x 100 J = 9x10^6 J

What is the energy provided by the catapult?

Kinetic energy gained by jet fighter = (1/2)x(20000) x (80^2) J
= 6.4x10^7 J
Hence, energy provided by catapult
= (6.4x10^7 - 9x10^6) J
= 5.5 x 10^7 J

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